Sunday, September 09, 2007



My investigations of the Jyväskylä night life continued on Saturday. The place I visited was Lutakko. There, most of the more alternative kind of gigs usually takes place. So it was yesterday, too. The gig I went to see was Amorphis.

The tickets for Lutakko gigs can mainly be bought online. Not with credit cards, but via Internet banking. This particular gig was sold out some days before, yet 50 ticket were still available from the door. As I did not have my ticket yet, I reached the venue well before the door would open. Waiting outside for some time was finally payed off with the ticket.

Lutakko is more close to those shabby-looking places I prefer when it come to metal, punk or other alternative kind of gigs. I do not feel well if the place is too fancy anyway. The building is in more industrial area, it is quite old and I have heard they wanted to pull it down one time. So, Lutakko has that proper shabby coziness. Interior is quite lofty, but then again not that very big. The stage is pretty small. Again, there are age limitations. Kids under 18 can go and see Amorphis, for instance, yet they are not alloved to enter the Lutakko bar. Oh, and the coffee in that particular bar costed me 1€ - which I think is quite okay.

Now, the gig. Amorphis is one of those worldwide famous Finnish bands. More on the band itself can be found on their home-page. In general, the themes of their music have tackled Finnish past and legends, for instance Kalevala. I do not want to be nasty as I like their music... but Amorphis is among those bands I would call Finland for Foreigners. Touristic bands. Like singing in English and dealing with well known atributes of Finland and North. Winter, black days, myths, thousand lakes and all that stuff. Their sounds are dark, but they are still energetic enough. Anyway, it seemed Amorphis had remained popular among the Finns. There were several generations of fans, yet there was quite an amount of those that were not allowed to visit the bar.

The gig itself was okay. I have been more into the band's earlier material. They have just got new album out, so there was new and unknown stuff. Luckily they did feature some good pieces from old albums as well. Amorphis surely is a band with quite good and distinctive melodics; with distinctive guitar riffs. Especially within their older material. Their lyrics is... well, nothing that special for my demanding artsy ears. Nevertheless their melodics is what I like the most. The vocal is also good, combination of growls and clean singing, and the sound yesterday was fine.

As a proven metal band, Amorphis is skilled in live acts. Seeing them live was worth 13 for the ticket- actually, the prices for events seem to be mainly around this number, or less, like 5 for a couple of minor and in Finnish singing metal bands. Also something. As Slovenia, Finland too has prohibited smoking in all public places. For us non-smokers it feels really good to return home from either the bar or the gig - without sore eyes and especially that nasty smell. However, these are only my first impressions. I guess I might write more on Lutakko, ticket prices and on some gigs in the times yet to come. Until then, here is a few pictures. They might not be the best I have ever taken, but nevertheless I hope they will offer a slight taste of my first Lutakko visit.

The entrance.

A part of the interior.

Amorphiksen laulaja Joutsen.

The stage after the gig.


Tea Ribič said...

Ooooo, super, jaz bi tudi Amorphis videla!:D Pa še relativno poceni so, v Sloveniji po moje ne bi bilo pod 25 ojrov.:S Me veseli, da se zabavaš v metal barih! :)

kaneli said...

Torej ti Amorphis niso preveč temačni? :D Niso ravno heviči... ;) Hja, še kar poceni... domnevam da verjetno zato, ker so tukaj na Finskem domači bend. Hm, tudi cen vstopnic za koncerte nisem nikoli predebatirala s finskim prijateljem. Mimogrede, Joutsen ima zanimivo frizuro za Amorphis-kind-of-music frontmena. Predstavljaj si pevca od Sepulture, ki občinstvo nagovarja po finsko. ;)

Aelfsciene said...

Teli huge dredi so mene ze v Wacknu zmedli. Enako smesno frizuro ima pevec od In Flames. In ker so Amorphis zaradi pozara igrali ob drugem casu, kot je bilo predvideno, sem najprej pobuljila, ce so to In flames, samo kaj, ko glasba ni bila niti malo njim podobna :D

Sicer so pa stari Amorphis res zakon. Sedaj je pa tko-tko :(

Kava 1 evro? Wow! Kaksna je pa kaj po okusu? Tukaj redko dobis kavo pod evro deset ... Ceprav v kranju je ponekod tudi samo po 90 centov.

Dvorana in mizice pri baru izgledajo lustno. Zmeraj bolj me ima, da bi se ti pridruzila :)

kaneli said...

Ja, razmisli o pridružitvi... ;)

Kava je tu bolj ali manj povsod enaka. Filter kava, iz vrča jo natočiš v skodelico + dodaš mleko ali smetano. Če se ne motim, je to, khm, ameriški način... V študentskih kafeterijah jo dobiš za 0.50 ali 0.60 centia zraven kosila (kosilo s študentskim popuston stane 2.35 euroa) - odvisno od kafeterije. Računalničarji, btw, (Agora, glej fotko v enem od spodnjih postov) imajo najboljšo študentsko restavracijo. :D Itak.

Tea Ribič said...

Amorphis so mi fajn, čeprav niso "heviči". Pa saj ne poslušam samo hevičev, no! :D Zakon plate so mi 1000 lakes, Elegy in Am Universum. Far from the sun je še kar, tanove pa še nisem toliko poslušala. Mi ima pa bivši pevec zakon vokal, eden izmed boljših v metalu in nasploh.:)

kaneli said...

Ja no, sem bila malce zlobna. ;) Meni sta fajn Tales from the Thousand Lakes in Elegy. Tudi Joutsen nima slabega vokala - na koncertu je bilo zelo fajn slišat. Mimogrede, Joutsen je po finsko labod...