The first more serious week in the University has finished. My programme has started. Mainly there have been info-lectures on our studies, however, we have also had the first Cultural Theory lecture. After the first lecture, the subject seems close to Sociology of Culture.
Apart from our Digital Culture programme studies, language courses are also important. International degree students are obliged to complete two Finnish courses. Usually, it is Suomi 1 and Suomi 2, but as the University offers five levels of courses, one can of course attend higher group, too. I have enrolled into Suomi 3. There also seem to be several other opportunities for learning Finnish as a foreign language within the University. So today it was all about the language. I have had another two Finnish classes; both were suitable for students of all levels. First class was about grammar, the second was dedicated to speaking. Well, no matter the topic, the first grammar class was not boring, there was lots of discussions in groups, and the speaking session was interesting as well. Finally, the day turned Finnish-speaking by all means as I my tutor invited me to her place for an afternoon visit. We happened to speak only in Finnish.
Today, it was bright sunny day again. Heading home from the city, I decided to walk through Mattilanniemi, along the shore of Jyväsjärvi. The ever-changing weather offered blue sky and first autumn colours...

Tole je pa noro lepo :o
a tkole ob vodi študiraš? oooo, noro noro ... upam, da uživaš te lepote ...
Aelfsciene: Sem že povedala, da imam lahko obiske? ;) Pri cimri je tudi že prespala ena prijateljica.
Maja: Lepo je, kadar sije sonce... :)
Sicer je bil danes na sporedu skupinski izlet v velemarket z imenom Ikea. xD Nekje v bližini Vante.Poročilo po vsej verjetnosti sledi.
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