
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
The newspaper Keskisuomalainen has just published the news that Christmas in central Finland is going to be white this year. So it seems. The picture, however, is a bit older, yet it belongs to this winter and is thus able to depict the atmosphere I am talking about. White, more light - and so less depressive.
Apart from proper let it snow, let it snow, let it snow feelings, Christmas madness is in its full speed; and that can be annoying, especially if one takes Christmas more easy. But commercial society can now celebrate with ham and gifts. Crowds and Christmas songs, joulu here, joulu there, joulu this, joulu that. Well, glögi is nice to drink, cinnamon cookies or piparit are even better to taste.
Whatever... from the homeland of Santa and his loyal Rudolf... I wish you GOOD CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS!
Apart from proper let it snow, let it snow, let it snow feelings, Christmas madness is in its full speed; and that can be annoying, especially if one takes Christmas more easy. But commercial society can now celebrate with ham and gifts. Crowds and Christmas songs, joulu here, joulu there, joulu this, joulu that. Well, glögi is nice to drink, cinnamon cookies or piparit are even better to taste.
Whatever... from the homeland of Santa and his loyal Rudolf... I wish you GOOD CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS!
Friday, December 05, 2008
November je moj najljubši mesec, za kar imam dober razlog - ne le, da je prijetno depresiven ter da se novembra na Finskem dan še hitreje krajša; eden izmed dni v novembru je samo moj, in takrat ponavadi prejemam čestitke. Presenetljivo je torej, da v vsem času mojega najljubšega meseca nisem uspela napisati niti enega prispevka. V nobenem izmed mojih jezikov.
Novembra bi lahko pisala o marsičem. O žurki treh škorpijonov, kjer smo imeli kamin in preveč hrane. O dejstvu, da od začetka novembra izjemno veliko pečem. Začelo se je s preprostim jogurtovim pecivom, sedaj pa se je vse skupaj razvilo v korenčkovo torto z mandlji in čokoladnim oblivom. Zanima me, kaj bo naslednja in še zahtevnejša tortna stopnja. Poleg slaščičarskih dejavnosti tudi veliko kuham. V novem stanovanju je pač mnogo večja in svetlejša kuhinja, poleg tega pa bi morala delati na svoji magistrski nalogi.
Kakorkoli, na magistrski nalogi sem brez milosti morala delati novembra, in napisati vsaj eno poglavje. S katerim nisem zadovoljna. Itak, da ne. Ker pišem v angleščini, ugotavljam, da ima ta jezik čisto preveč zadev po imenu particles. Japonščina tudi, ampak v popolnoma drugem smislu. Heh. Partikkeli on kikkeli. Vsaj finščina in slovenščina sta brez teh nepotrebnih nadlog.
Če bi se k pisanju spravila pred dobrima dvema tednoma, bi lahko opisala zanimiv naravni pojav: snežni vihar. Le ta se je zgodil neko nedeljo, Pihal je strašljivo močan veter, in nosil sneg. Glede na časopis Helsingin Sanomat je bil vsaj v Helsinkih to najhujši snežni vihar po letu 1961. Ker sem kljub viharju morala ven, sem ugotovila, da je bil tisti veter dejansko zelo divji. Nanesel je kupe snega, ki so tako konec novembra, skupaj z že okrašenimi trgovinami in mestu v lučkah opominjali, da Božiček ni tako daleč. Pravzaprav le 9 ur vožnje z vlakom na sever, in potem par kilometrov z avtobusom.
Sedaj je december, zato ne morem pisati o snegu, ker se je medtem že stopil. Tako se mi zastavlja vprašanje, ali je bilo v tistem strašnem viharju sploh kaj smisla. Sneg bi namreč prišel še kako prav v teh kratkih dneh; sonce zaide okrog treh popoldne, pa tudi če še ni čas zahoda, je temno. Plasti oblakov in cikloni; nič od tega pa ne prinese svežega snega. Lani se je to zgodilo šele konec marca, takrat, ko bi morale veverice početi vse kaj drugega, kot pa se skrivati pred snežnimi zameti.
Šesti dan zadnjega meseca v letu je na Finskem praznik, dan samostojnosti. Država praznuje 91 let, kar sem seveda izrabila za ponovno slaščičarsko priložnost, in spekla torto. Seveda že od konca novembra potekajo številne predbožične zabave, ali prevedeno iz finščine mali božič; brez alkohola tako ali tako nikoli ne gre...
Naj se december začne! :)
Novembra bi lahko pisala o marsičem. O žurki treh škorpijonov, kjer smo imeli kamin in preveč hrane. O dejstvu, da od začetka novembra izjemno veliko pečem. Začelo se je s preprostim jogurtovim pecivom, sedaj pa se je vse skupaj razvilo v korenčkovo torto z mandlji in čokoladnim oblivom. Zanima me, kaj bo naslednja in še zahtevnejša tortna stopnja. Poleg slaščičarskih dejavnosti tudi veliko kuham. V novem stanovanju je pač mnogo večja in svetlejša kuhinja, poleg tega pa bi morala delati na svoji magistrski nalogi.
Kakorkoli, na magistrski nalogi sem brez milosti morala delati novembra, in napisati vsaj eno poglavje. S katerim nisem zadovoljna. Itak, da ne. Ker pišem v angleščini, ugotavljam, da ima ta jezik čisto preveč zadev po imenu particles. Japonščina tudi, ampak v popolnoma drugem smislu. Heh. Partikkeli on kikkeli. Vsaj finščina in slovenščina sta brez teh nepotrebnih nadlog.
Če bi se k pisanju spravila pred dobrima dvema tednoma, bi lahko opisala zanimiv naravni pojav: snežni vihar. Le ta se je zgodil neko nedeljo, Pihal je strašljivo močan veter, in nosil sneg. Glede na časopis Helsingin Sanomat je bil vsaj v Helsinkih to najhujši snežni vihar po letu 1961. Ker sem kljub viharju morala ven, sem ugotovila, da je bil tisti veter dejansko zelo divji. Nanesel je kupe snega, ki so tako konec novembra, skupaj z že okrašenimi trgovinami in mestu v lučkah opominjali, da Božiček ni tako daleč. Pravzaprav le 9 ur vožnje z vlakom na sever, in potem par kilometrov z avtobusom.
Sedaj je december, zato ne morem pisati o snegu, ker se je medtem že stopil. Tako se mi zastavlja vprašanje, ali je bilo v tistem strašnem viharju sploh kaj smisla. Sneg bi namreč prišel še kako prav v teh kratkih dneh; sonce zaide okrog treh popoldne, pa tudi če še ni čas zahoda, je temno. Plasti oblakov in cikloni; nič od tega pa ne prinese svežega snega. Lani se je to zgodilo šele konec marca, takrat, ko bi morale veverice početi vse kaj drugega, kot pa se skrivati pred snežnimi zameti.
Šesti dan zadnjega meseca v letu je na Finskem praznik, dan samostojnosti. Država praznuje 91 let, kar sem seveda izrabila za ponovno slaščičarsko priložnost, in spekla torto. Seveda že od konca novembra potekajo številne predbožične zabave, ali prevedeno iz finščine mali božič; brez alkohola tako ali tako nikoli ne gre...
Naj se december začne! :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Quite a normal sight here in JKL, I guess. Squirrels are just everywhere. Further more, they are also very bold. If the window is left open and the residents are not in the flat, then such bold squirrel enters the place with no respect. And does little mayhem.

Anyway, I still find squirrels cute. Fluffy and all that. The one on these photos came to my window today to feast with sunflower seeds. Well, the seeds were there for the birds and an old apple for the squirrel, but as bold as it is, it took both, of course.

Anyway, I still find squirrels cute. Fluffy and all that. The one on these photos came to my window today to feast with sunflower seeds. Well, the seeds were there for the birds and an old apple for the squirrel, but as bold as it is, it took both, of course.
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Odkar študiram na Finskem, živim v državi, na katere ozemlju se nahaja IKEA. Če v Sloveniji ni niti ene, sta tukaj celo dve. Ali pač samo dve glede na dejstvo, da imamo Švedsko za sosedo; konec koncev je bila Finska nekoč del Švedske, njen drugi uradni jezik je švedščina. Turku je pravzaprav Åbo, ampak to je druga zgodba.
Kljub pogostejši prisotnosti IKEA nakupovalnih nebes na Finskem je zanimivo, da se obe nahajata v okolici mesta Helsingfors oziroma Helsinki; ena IKEA je v Vanti in druga v Espu, vse skupaj pa je svojih 300 km oddaljeno od naše osrednje Finske. Perkele. Govorilo se je že, da se bo švedska krasotica preselila bližje Jyväskyli, denimo v Tampere ali Kuopio, a ker se to še ni zgodilo, nas organizacija, ki tu skrbi za študentska stanovanja, vsako leto odpelje na IKEA nakupovalni izlet. Tudi letos je bil avtobus poceni, vožnja dolga, končna destinacija pa spet Vantaa.
Lansko leto sem bila ob IKEA obisku na Finskem precej zmedena. Potrebovala sem kar nekaj materialnih dobrin, ki bi mi olepšale študentsko bivanje. Kakorkoli, v spominu mi je ostal predvsem stres. Letos je bilo že zaradi vesele družbe mnogo bolj zabavno, čeprav je IKEA tudi tokrat pripravila teren za spodobne neprijetnosti.
Deževna sobota je privabila precejšnjo množico, njeni pripadniki pa so se nato z veseljem zaletavali drug v drugega. Nakupovalski podmladek pa sploh, ne glede na dejstvo, da bi jih starši lahko pustili v igralni sobi, in si tako zagotovili nekaj miru. Ker pa je bilo v večini primerov videti, da igralna soba morebiti sameva, se je posameznik lahko hitro znašel ujet med velik nakupovalni voziček z ene in otroški voziček z druge strani. Vsekakor zabavno. Po drugi strani pa pravilno, da se vzgoja mladega potrošnika začne že v prvih mesecih življenja.
Odkritje letošnjega izleta je bilo, da se mi IKEA nenadoma ni zdela več tako zelo fantastična. Ni bilo tako zelo velike izbire, nekatere stvari so se seveda podražile, sploh nek točno določen model lučke, pa še prave barve niso imeli na zalogi. Eh, IKEA is nothing that special. Da sploh ne razmišljam, v kakšnih pogojih so ustvarjeni njihovi izdelki; samo upam, da švedskega dizajna ne proizvajajo azijski otroci ali delavci v sweatshopih.
Kljub temu sem pozabila svojo alternativno oziroma subkulturno nastrojenost proti in si privoščila predvsem škatle, krožnike, skodelice, sklede in termo vrč za čaj. Večinoma v črni barvi; subkulturno naravnanost je pač treba izraziti tudi z IKEA izdelki. Pomembna pridobitev je bil nož za lupljenje krompirja, ki je že danes oplemenitil moje kuharske sposobnosti, saj sem končno lahko pripravila pečen sladki krompir.
All in all - izlet v prestolnico fast-food opreme za dom je bil bolj ali manj zabaven, brez stresa ni šlo, bila pa je tudi dobra družba in švedska torta.
Kljub pogostejši prisotnosti IKEA nakupovalnih nebes na Finskem je zanimivo, da se obe nahajata v okolici mesta Helsingfors oziroma Helsinki; ena IKEA je v Vanti in druga v Espu, vse skupaj pa je svojih 300 km oddaljeno od naše osrednje Finske. Perkele. Govorilo se je že, da se bo švedska krasotica preselila bližje Jyväskyli, denimo v Tampere ali Kuopio, a ker se to še ni zgodilo, nas organizacija, ki tu skrbi za študentska stanovanja, vsako leto odpelje na IKEA nakupovalni izlet. Tudi letos je bil avtobus poceni, vožnja dolga, končna destinacija pa spet Vantaa.
Lansko leto sem bila ob IKEA obisku na Finskem precej zmedena. Potrebovala sem kar nekaj materialnih dobrin, ki bi mi olepšale študentsko bivanje. Kakorkoli, v spominu mi je ostal predvsem stres. Letos je bilo že zaradi vesele družbe mnogo bolj zabavno, čeprav je IKEA tudi tokrat pripravila teren za spodobne neprijetnosti.
Deževna sobota je privabila precejšnjo množico, njeni pripadniki pa so se nato z veseljem zaletavali drug v drugega. Nakupovalski podmladek pa sploh, ne glede na dejstvo, da bi jih starši lahko pustili v igralni sobi, in si tako zagotovili nekaj miru. Ker pa je bilo v večini primerov videti, da igralna soba morebiti sameva, se je posameznik lahko hitro znašel ujet med velik nakupovalni voziček z ene in otroški voziček z druge strani. Vsekakor zabavno. Po drugi strani pa pravilno, da se vzgoja mladega potrošnika začne že v prvih mesecih življenja.
Odkritje letošnjega izleta je bilo, da se mi IKEA nenadoma ni zdela več tako zelo fantastična. Ni bilo tako zelo velike izbire, nekatere stvari so se seveda podražile, sploh nek točno določen model lučke, pa še prave barve niso imeli na zalogi. Eh, IKEA is nothing that special. Da sploh ne razmišljam, v kakšnih pogojih so ustvarjeni njihovi izdelki; samo upam, da švedskega dizajna ne proizvajajo azijski otroci ali delavci v sweatshopih.
Kljub temu sem pozabila svojo alternativno oziroma subkulturno nastrojenost proti in si privoščila predvsem škatle, krožnike, skodelice, sklede in termo vrč za čaj. Večinoma v črni barvi; subkulturno naravnanost je pač treba izraziti tudi z IKEA izdelki. Pomembna pridobitev je bil nož za lupljenje krompirja, ki je že danes oplemenitil moje kuharske sposobnosti, saj sem končno lahko pripravila pečen sladki krompir.
All in all - izlet v prestolnico fast-food opreme za dom je bil bolj ali manj zabaven, brez stresa ni šlo, bila pa je tudi dobra družba in švedska torta.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Last Friday, I have bought the yellow textbook Shin Bunka Shokyuu Nihongo 1. The reason for this not very cheap purchase was the fact I have started to attend Japani 1, Japanese 1 class here in JKL. I have been attending the class for three weeks; then, I have decided I should insist in my language learning. Thus, the book is now mine.
My wish to learn Japanese is not new. Also, it is not connected with popular Japanese culture that invades young European generations; the wish has emerged when I started to practice Japanese martial arts. Or art, as at first there was only Nanbudo. During Nanbudo trainings I was always good in remembering all those foreign names of techniques, positions and katas. Japanese sounded interesting enough, and in 2004 the wish for learning has arisen.
However, things went their own way. At first, I was even considering an option if I would start studying Japanese in Ljubljana as a regular student; I still had a student status, at that time, but also unfinished diploma. I decided to finish my BA first, yet later I was sorry. Thus, I was searching for other Japanese classes, which did not work out. It seems I had to learn Finnish first. For during the summer 2005, my connection with Finland was established; a total coincidence...
...ki je bilo nek točno določeni Finec, s katerim sedaj že več kot eno leto ne govoriva, v nobenem jeziku, ter se nisva videla odkar živim tukaj, dobrih tristo kilometrov stran od tistega mesta. Mogoče mi postaja popolnoma vseeno, oziroma vsaj upam na to skorajšnjo vseenost.
If I was not able to find Japanese language class, Finnish group for beginners was established, and I could enrol. Coincidences, which might not exist, all sorts of events with their own hidden purpuse, which is discovered years later... whatever. After 4 years, moving to Finland and changing Nanbudo for Aikido, the wish to learn Japanese was still present and strong enough.
Now I am a student in Japani 1, learning Japanese through Finnish. And that makes me proud. :) I just have to keep on going...
... pri tem, ko raje pišem blog namesto japonske domače naloge in učenja hiragane.
My wish to learn Japanese is not new. Also, it is not connected with popular Japanese culture that invades young European generations; the wish has emerged when I started to practice Japanese martial arts. Or art, as at first there was only Nanbudo. During Nanbudo trainings I was always good in remembering all those foreign names of techniques, positions and katas. Japanese sounded interesting enough, and in 2004 the wish for learning has arisen.
However, things went their own way. At first, I was even considering an option if I would start studying Japanese in Ljubljana as a regular student; I still had a student status, at that time, but also unfinished diploma. I decided to finish my BA first, yet later I was sorry. Thus, I was searching for other Japanese classes, which did not work out. It seems I had to learn Finnish first. For during the summer 2005, my connection with Finland was established; a total coincidence...
...ki je bilo nek točno določeni Finec, s katerim sedaj že več kot eno leto ne govoriva, v nobenem jeziku, ter se nisva videla odkar živim tukaj, dobrih tristo kilometrov stran od tistega mesta. Mogoče mi postaja popolnoma vseeno, oziroma vsaj upam na to skorajšnjo vseenost.
If I was not able to find Japanese language class, Finnish group for beginners was established, and I could enrol. Coincidences, which might not exist, all sorts of events with their own hidden purpuse, which is discovered years later... whatever. After 4 years, moving to Finland and changing Nanbudo for Aikido, the wish to learn Japanese was still present and strong enough.
Now I am a student in Japani 1, learning Japanese through Finnish. And that makes me proud. :) I just have to keep on going...
... pri tem, ko raje pišem blog namesto japonske domače naloge in učenja hiragane.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Rada imam Finsko. Itak. To jesen se, vsaj teh štirinajst prvih dni, počutim nekoliko bolje kot lani; vsaj teoretično. Začela sem pozabljati gospodiča iz južne Finske, imam novo stanovanje, delam kot prostovoljka v Lutakku, treniram aikido, hodim v šoping. Kar ljubko.
V ponedeljek pa me je Finska presenetila s posebnim darilom; mimogrede, menim, da mi je slednje podarjeno mnogo prevečkrat v celotnem letu, tako da ne vem, ali naj ga razumem kot dar ob dobrodošlici ali kot pač dejstvo, da ga, oziroma jo, moram dobiti. Prehlad, tokrat v kombinaciji z angino. Ali pa je bila najprej angina, ki se je razvila v prehlad, ja tako je bilo... kakorkoli, finščina take zadeve preprosto poimenuje flunssa. Jaz pa flunssa perkele.
Začelo se je v ponedeljek, ko je šlo tako ali tako vse narobe. Japonščina ob 8:00 zjutraj, kjer sem rekla kore wa watashi no kaban desu ka namesto kore wa dare no kaban desu ka. Potem hlače, ki so se obupno skrčile, čeprav sem jih prala s hladno vodo po programu ročnega pranja. Pa finščina, ki je bila tokrat dolgočasna. Uro pred treningom aikida sem ugotovila, da je nekaj narobe z mojim kolesom; popacala sem si prste s strojnim oljem, nato pa odpeljala kolo naravnost na servis. Temno-čokoladna mehanika iz Sudana in njun arabski šef so bili prijazni, čeprav so se takrat, ko je bilo v popravilu moje kolo, do njih primajali trije pijani Finci in se obnašali rahlo rasistično. Blah.
Napaka na kolesu je bila vseeno odpravljena, lahko sem se odpeljala na aikido. Tam sem skoraj obupala nad tehniko z lesenim mečem in kasneje s palico; vaja itak dela mojstra, ampak ne, če se vajencu pripravlja angina... Zvečer mi je potem še crknila žarnica delovne lučke. Končna ugotovitev: za vse sranje celega dneva verjetno obstaja le en vzrok.
Flunssa. Tako se je začela in se vlekla čez cel teden. Vem, da obstajajo mnogo hujše tegobe kot je navadna angina s prehladom. Vendar menim, da je vsak posameznik samosvoj in zaključen univerzum z lastnimi lestvicami težav; na tej je bila moja angina uvrščena visoko. Mah, flunssa on perseestä.
Dobra stran nje je bila, da sem brez slabe vesti lenarila doma; slaba pa, da sem zamudila aikido in bila nasploh brez volje. Pač flunssa. Še dobro, da so bili v našem supermarketu papirnati robci z alojo vero ravno ta čas v akciji...
Napaka na kolesu je bila vseeno odpravljena, lahko sem se odpeljala na aikido. Tam sem skoraj obupala nad tehniko z lesenim mečem in kasneje s palico; vaja itak dela mojstra, ampak ne, če se vajencu pripravlja angina... Zvečer mi je potem še crknila žarnica delovne lučke. Končna ugotovitev: za vse sranje celega dneva verjetno obstaja le en vzrok.
Flunssa. Tako se je začela in se vlekla čez cel teden. Vem, da obstajajo mnogo hujše tegobe kot je navadna angina s prehladom. Vendar menim, da je vsak posameznik samosvoj in zaključen univerzum z lastnimi lestvicami težav; na tej je bila moja angina uvrščena visoko. Mah, flunssa on perseestä.
Dobra stran nje je bila, da sem brez slabe vesti lenarila doma; slaba pa, da sem zamudila aikido in bila nasploh brez volje. Pač flunssa. Še dobro, da so bili v našem supermarketu papirnati robci z alojo vero ravno ta čas v akciji...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Why again? Such was a headline one of the Finnish newspapers today. The other one, Helsingin Sanomat, wrote that the tragedy of Jokela happened again. This time, it was different part of the country, Kauhajoki - but the tragedy that has shocked Finland was similar to the one that happened not even a year ago. Massacre in school.
Today, it was a mourning-day in Finland. The flags were at half-mast, the general atmosphere felt depressed. Despite so sunny, shiny and warm autumn day. I was pretty much speechles when I heard the news. It's even hard to think about why such things happen. Like, a 22 years old student enters his school, finds a class and starts shooting. He also lit a fire, which was due to the newspaper fatal for the victims.
In a way, it's hard to believe this has happened in Finland, the second time. Such massacres were kind of American thing, as they did happen there, or perhaps one would place them into some other European country with higher rate of criminal. And now it is Finland, more or less calm and friendly Northern country with high life-standards, organized healt-care and all that; all in all, wellfare society, and a peaceful land where people perhaps tend to be more self-destructive than destructive towards others.
According to the article in HS, the student that did the masacre was giving the impression of an ordinary young man, perhaps quiet, but not lonely; totally pleasant guy, who also had friends. But finally, he put on the internet some material in which he spoke about hate towrards people. He killed others, and he killed himself.
The surface can perhaps hide the inside. Like that people do not show what they actually feel. Psychotic and caotic mind that needs help can be thus hidden away. In my opinion, Finns actually do not talk a lot about their emotions, yet they can also open their souls after some time. They can also explode after a while, long whiles of silence - and yes, perhaps that can be destructive. The anger can be kept inside for too long...
On the other hand, perhaps the people that sorround these potential killers do not notice changes within the temperament of their friends. Sometimes I find this society too self-orientated, like too busy with everything else but others. Things are said and seen just from the surface. People are not lonely, yet they can be lonely within the crowd that interacts with them. Hard to explain again; perhaps more careful attention towards the other is missing as self is, even subconsciously, put on the first place too much.
The fact that Finland has suffered two school masacres in less than a year is still shocking, and I cannot find answers why such things happen right here. I am also a Finnish student, and thus I might not feel that relaxed wihle spending time in the university anymore. However, the state of the whole world is not that good: with simple words, the world has gone crazy. Now, Finland has been struck. The future feels uncertain, fear and grief have entered the society. But finally, such bloody story can probably repeat everywhere in the world...
All in all, it is just sad beyond words.
Today, it was a mourning-day in Finland. The flags were at half-mast, the general atmosphere felt depressed. Despite so sunny, shiny and warm autumn day. I was pretty much speechles when I heard the news. It's even hard to think about why such things happen. Like, a 22 years old student enters his school, finds a class and starts shooting. He also lit a fire, which was due to the newspaper fatal for the victims.
In a way, it's hard to believe this has happened in Finland, the second time. Such massacres were kind of American thing, as they did happen there, or perhaps one would place them into some other European country with higher rate of criminal. And now it is Finland, more or less calm and friendly Northern country with high life-standards, organized healt-care and all that; all in all, wellfare society, and a peaceful land where people perhaps tend to be more self-destructive than destructive towards others.
According to the article in HS, the student that did the masacre was giving the impression of an ordinary young man, perhaps quiet, but not lonely; totally pleasant guy, who also had friends. But finally, he put on the internet some material in which he spoke about hate towrards people. He killed others, and he killed himself.
The surface can perhaps hide the inside. Like that people do not show what they actually feel. Psychotic and caotic mind that needs help can be thus hidden away. In my opinion, Finns actually do not talk a lot about their emotions, yet they can also open their souls after some time. They can also explode after a while, long whiles of silence - and yes, perhaps that can be destructive. The anger can be kept inside for too long...
On the other hand, perhaps the people that sorround these potential killers do not notice changes within the temperament of their friends. Sometimes I find this society too self-orientated, like too busy with everything else but others. Things are said and seen just from the surface. People are not lonely, yet they can be lonely within the crowd that interacts with them. Hard to explain again; perhaps more careful attention towards the other is missing as self is, even subconsciously, put on the first place too much.
The fact that Finland has suffered two school masacres in less than a year is still shocking, and I cannot find answers why such things happen right here. I am also a Finnish student, and thus I might not feel that relaxed wihle spending time in the university anymore. However, the state of the whole world is not that good: with simple words, the world has gone crazy. Now, Finland has been struck. The future feels uncertain, fear and grief have entered the society. But finally, such bloody story can probably repeat everywhere in the world...
All in all, it is just sad beyond words.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
kuulaina öinä syksyn
kajo täyttää taivaan hohtoon
sarasteen koittaessa
taivaanlaki ylle kumartuu
huomenen tervehdyksen
kaikuessa aamuruskoon
pimeän selänteen kääntyessä
takaisin suo meille yön tummuus
loisteeton päivyt
kajo täyttää taivaan hohtoon
sarasteen koittaessa
taivaanlaki ylle kumartuu
huomenen tervehdyksen
kaikuessa aamuruskoon
pimeän selänteen kääntyessä
takaisin suo meille yön tummuus
loisteeton päivyt
Kanelikirja on kaksivuotias. Onnea, ja kaunista syksyä!
Cinammon book is a two-year-old. Beautiful autumn to my dear friends and fellow bloggers!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
It's quiet Saturday in a quiet, almost sleepy student campus. I have been thinking how this new campus I have moved to in June is much more calm. I have also been thinking about my previous year here in JKL. My studies had started, I had moved from my parents place. First time in my life I had started to live on my own. Well, not totally on my own.
I guess those that were not confronted with the possibility to study in the place of their original being would probably experience these things I plan to write about much earlier. Anyway, Slovenia is also not Finland, students do not have so good oportunities to move away from their parents as soon as they finish high-school. If we Slovenians live close to the universities, we in most cases stay at home. Flats are expencive, scholarships are rare, and so on...
Last year, I was placed into a shared appartement; it was a small two-room flat. I had my own room, the bathroom and kitchen were shared with the flatmate. Never before I had been given the expirience to live with a person I had never met. People are put kind of randomely togehter, girls and boys are not mixed - and so one starts to live with the other one, like it or not these two have to share their everydays.
For me, and I guess also for every single one, such sharing can bring some nice and.. well, also not that pleasant thingies. I have found out what had made me a cranky shared-flat dweller, and decided to write it here. These are kind of general things, don't be tough on me if I'm overdoing...
- A small flat where kitchen table is placed right infront of my door.
- Flatmates visitors that sit behind that kitchen table and talk loud infront of my door.
- Flatmates visitors that are there when I don't feel like having any people around.
- Lots of visits.
- Unknown people that appear while I'm eating in the kitchen.
- Occupied kitchen.
- Having an unpleasant feeling when going home due to uncertain situation in the flat.
- Loud talking.
- Packed fridge.
- Smell of fried meat that stays on my clothes.
- Strange atmosphere due to personal problems.
- Putting personal problems too much on the other one; it's hard to help or listen sometimes.
- Old guys that dribble over young girlies.
- A boyfriend arriving at late hours at night.
- A boyfriend visiting for several days can become annoying, no matter how quiet and polite.
- Feeling that my privacy is too much observed or disturbed.
- Feeling sorry for not being tough enough and telling what bothers/bothered me.
People have different experiences in shared flats: I have heard some stories. Students are just put together, their habits differ, their characters differ, and in some cases, the cultures are also very appart. Forcing a friendship is perhaps not that good idea; in my opinion, the bond between flatmates grows, or it does not. However, I prefer sharing where my privacy is not disturbed, where I can feel relaxed and independant enough, and where lives of flatmates are not mixing too much.
Getting a one-room flat is, I guess, dream of every student here. However, waiting times for those flats are long. Meanwhile, we all have to learn how to be tolerant - with the other, and with one's self.
I guess those that were not confronted with the possibility to study in the place of their original being would probably experience these things I plan to write about much earlier. Anyway, Slovenia is also not Finland, students do not have so good oportunities to move away from their parents as soon as they finish high-school. If we Slovenians live close to the universities, we in most cases stay at home. Flats are expencive, scholarships are rare, and so on...
Last year, I was placed into a shared appartement; it was a small two-room flat. I had my own room, the bathroom and kitchen were shared with the flatmate. Never before I had been given the expirience to live with a person I had never met. People are put kind of randomely togehter, girls and boys are not mixed - and so one starts to live with the other one, like it or not these two have to share their everydays.
For me, and I guess also for every single one, such sharing can bring some nice and.. well, also not that pleasant thingies. I have found out what had made me a cranky shared-flat dweller, and decided to write it here. These are kind of general things, don't be tough on me if I'm overdoing...
- A small flat where kitchen table is placed right infront of my door.
- Flatmates visitors that sit behind that kitchen table and talk loud infront of my door.
- Flatmates visitors that are there when I don't feel like having any people around.
- Lots of visits.
- Unknown people that appear while I'm eating in the kitchen.
- Occupied kitchen.
- Having an unpleasant feeling when going home due to uncertain situation in the flat.
- Loud talking.
- Packed fridge.
- Smell of fried meat that stays on my clothes.
- Strange atmosphere due to personal problems.
- Putting personal problems too much on the other one; it's hard to help or listen sometimes.
- Old guys that dribble over young girlies.
- A boyfriend arriving at late hours at night.
- A boyfriend visiting for several days can become annoying, no matter how quiet and polite.
- Feeling that my privacy is too much observed or disturbed.
- Feeling sorry for not being tough enough and telling what bothers/bothered me.
People have different experiences in shared flats: I have heard some stories. Students are just put together, their habits differ, their characters differ, and in some cases, the cultures are also very appart. Forcing a friendship is perhaps not that good idea; in my opinion, the bond between flatmates grows, or it does not. However, I prefer sharing where my privacy is not disturbed, where I can feel relaxed and independant enough, and where lives of flatmates are not mixing too much.
Getting a one-room flat is, I guess, dream of every student here. However, waiting times for those flats are long. Meanwhile, we all have to learn how to be tolerant - with the other, and with one's self.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Moi! Time has passed since my last post. Well, despite I have been absent as an active blogger for a while, I have been all the time present in the blogosphere as a lurker, thus meaning a reader. Many things was going on, so this post will just offer some brief and random info on all events.
- I like to be back to some places after a while; there is always something new either in Ljubljana or here in JKL when I get back.
- New student year has started.
- So, I'm back to Finland after two months of holiday and pure laziness in my home country.
- Here in Finland, I am living in a new appartement to which I have moved already in June.
- At this point, I really like this new appartement.
- I have got a bike, and that gives me so much freedom.
- Since I have got my bike, I have also found out that JKL consists of many small hills. Eeek.
- I am continuing with aikido after that long summer break.
- I am also continuing with Finnish language course; now I'm in the highest level.
- I have ordered Helsingin Sanomat to get some news.
- I should rather read stuff for my studies.
- In my home country, I did some translation from Finnish. Still waiting for the money.
- I have a new laptop with Vista in it.
- It's autumn here, so called ruska-aika. Very beautiful, but also very cold.
- I cannot say my depression is totally gone, but I think I feel slightly better. We'll see, I'm rather careful with conclusions.
- I like to be back to some places after a while; there is always something new either in Ljubljana or here in JKL when I get back.
- New student year has started.
- So, I'm back to Finland after two months of holiday and pure laziness in my home country.
- Here in Finland, I am living in a new appartement to which I have moved already in June.
- At this point, I really like this new appartement.
- I have got a bike, and that gives me so much freedom.
- Since I have got my bike, I have also found out that JKL consists of many small hills. Eeek.
- I am continuing with aikido after that long summer break.
- I am also continuing with Finnish language course; now I'm in the highest level.
- I have ordered Helsingin Sanomat to get some news.
- I should rather read stuff for my studies.
- In my home country, I did some translation from Finnish. Still waiting for the money.
- I have a new laptop with Vista in it.
- It's autumn here, so called ruska-aika. Very beautiful, but also very cold.
- I cannot say my depression is totally gone, but I think I feel slightly better. We'll see, I'm rather careful with conclusions.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Recently, I was watching the show Nick Baker's Weird Creatures on Animal Planet. Biologist Nick travels all around the world, and tries to find rare animals. This time, I was surprised as I spotted more than familiar images within opening shots - it was my hometown Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Nick’s quest this week takes him to the fairy-tale world of Slovenia, a country steeped in folklore that centres around the existence of dragons. On the quest for such a creature, Nick descends deep into the mountains to find the proteus (Proteus anguinus) or olm –a blind, albino salamander with remarkable qualities, that resides deep in the 20km-long Postojna Caves. Also called the ‘human fish’, because its skin resembles human flesh, the olm has adapted to life in total darkness with atrophied eyes and a heightened sense of hearing and smell. According to local myth, this bizarre amphibian is a baby dragon –but truth turns out to be even stranger than fiction.
Postojna, or Postonja as Nick was saying, is of course world-famous for its cave and the ''human fish'' inside. However, apart from good scenes within the cave and ''human fish'', there was something that caught more of my attention. Before entering the cave, Nick was driving on a sandy trail in the midst of Slovene countryside. The trail lad him through very green and very blooming meadow in all its summer glory. Butterflies and other insects, tall grass, the smell, the sounds... the guy seemed totally astonished and impressed by the nature. He said most of the butterflies flying by had already extinct in Great Britain, he was amazed as he could listen to the crickets. He was breathing clean air, and finally he lay down into the tall grass to enjoy the buzzing life.
A plain, more or less regular Slovene meadow that was. However, when Nick was admiring Slovene natural scenery, he probably did not spot some of those things, among which the following two examples could be categorized. The first one...
And then here...
Even worse. The system of salt evaporation ponds in Sečovlje is now a natural park, featuring unique and protected habitat for many animals and plants. Since the visitors are several times asked to protect the environment of the park, things like this should not occur... but they do anyway.
As Nick noticed clean air in Slovenia, I have had some similar experiences - yet reversed. Whenever I come from Finland to Slovenia, I feel the air there is not as clean as in Finland, and ecological awareness is not that high as up North; in many ways. Such show featured on international Animal Planet could be a good touristical advertisement; nevertheless it points out jewels of Slovene nature very well. In a way, it was good the show was done from fascinating perspective of a short-term visitor, hiding away all those unpleasant details we locals can notice. Thus once again I keep thinking how Slovenia offers its own beauty, and I feel slightly proud - yet this beauty should be preserved and cared for even more...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Nature in Slovenia is not as clean as in Finland. That's a fact. Slovenian ecological awareness is not as high as Finnish one. That is also a fact. Despite it, the awareness, is getting better, it still seems somewhat behind. There are still washing machines in the forests, and there are plastic bottles. Especially these ones, plastic bottles.
When it comes to Finnish ecological awareness, they have figured out a very useful process considering recycling of plastic bottles. Their solution is not all about special wastebins into which people are kindly asked to throw empty plastic bottles; of course, in some cases, they don't do so, but they rather throw their empty plastic bottle on the ground, thus letting it to rot joyfully in the midst of Slovenian green fields, under whispering lime trees. It was just a worthless plastic bottle anyway. May it be. For some years, or so.
In Finland, on the other hand, the situation is different. Clever Northern nation has invented nice and, of course, partly digitalized machine that usually operates in grocery shops. This machine has only one mission to fulfill. Collecting plastic bottles. Oh, and cans, too. The plastic bottles, at least, are used again, the cycle goes properly around - and, most important, the one who has decided to recycle them gets back 20 cents for small bottles and 40 cents for big ones. The machine counts the bottles, for it is very smart and it knows exactly what it ate, and then, when the recycler has finnished feeding the machine, it prints out lovely paper telling the amount of money. So, if one is keen and her or his ecological awareness is high, such plastic bottle income can be nice. Finns drink a lot, and many pleasant boozes come in plastic. But, well, Slovenians drink a lot, too.
Collecting plastic bottles in Finland seems to be a way of business. While we were waiting to get through the gates of Tuska festival, there were several people hunting for the empty plastic bottles and cans those festive metalheads would generously throw away. Yes, in this case, bottles would meet Finnish soil as they would also be picked up very soon. So, people from the edge of society with low income would get some money. Here, by the way, it is quite sad to see elderly ones, not tramps or drunks, but decent old people collecting this trash to improve their pension. But all in all - recycling machines can offer some comfort. For both, people and nature.
Why is not such recycling system dealing with plastic bottles and cans in Slovenia as well? Please may it be.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Uuno Kailas (1901 -1933)
Paljain jaloinBosih nog
translated by Kaneli
Niin mä kerran
Tako nekoč
tieni aloin
začel sem pot
niin mä kuljen:
tako hodim:
paljain jaloin.
bosih nog.
Žive rane
syvät näissä
njih globoke
se v pete:
not v členke
joka kiven
vsakter' kamen
jäänyt niist' on
od njih ostal
verta hiven.
je del krvi.
- Mutta niinkuin
-A kot tako
matkan aloin,
začel sem pot,
päätän myös sen:
jo končam še:
paljain jaloin.
bosih nog.
Silloinkin, kun
Tudi kadar
tuska syvin
bol globoko
viiltää, virkan:
reže, kriknem:
- Näin on hyvin.
- To je dobro.
Naj zgodi se
tahtos sinun,
želja tvoja,
Moja usoda,
eikä minun
in ne moja.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Moi! So, what has Kaneli been doing all this time while her Cinnamonbook was resting? She was traveling around Finland, not alone, and it was a lot of fun. May the photos tell the rest - and the story is still TBA! ;)
Summer walk in JKL
Crossing the Arctic Circle
Visiting the real Santa Claus; eh well... but finally, he proved to be charismatic, despite all commercial shit.
Admiring Midnight Sun - sky over Lapland at 1:00 in the morning
From Lapland to Helsinki - having great time at Tuska Metal Festival 2008
Exploring Helsinki again - this time, the best was Korkeasaari, Helsinki Zoo
Sunday, June 01, 2008
... summertime... and my dear Jyväsjärvi Lake again...
The first day of June is the start of summer in Finland. Lectures at the University have finished, apart from various summer courses going on, schools have started their holidays, and our Aikido-dojo has switched to summer schedule of trainings.
Speaking about me, I have been very busy during the past days. Assignments would just not stop, and so I kept on writing or reading or whatever. Thinking and sleeping as well. Some parties, some gigs, meeting people, new bike and so on. As you have probably noticed, there was not much time to devote it to my blog; but it seems I will stay busy more or less all June. Another news is that I will soon be moving. Feels kind of funny. I have lived for some twenty years at one place, then I have switched the country all of a sudden, and now I am moving again within less than a year. Alright, this time, I will only change the location and the apartment in the same city.
The weather in the past days has not been that very hot here up North; pleasant twenty-something degrees. Also, the country has turned green, so very green and so very shiny. So much light! We have like 19 hours and 9 minutes of day at the moment, and this feels almost amazing. I am not even sure if there is any proper night left; at midnight, the sky is still bright. However, within twenty days, on Juhannus, the days will start to shorten again - and winter will soon be back to this places... but until then - rejoice, for it is summer!
Lovely and relaxed days I wish, my dear friends and fellow bloggers.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Shopping in Helsinki a bit, I have found a perfect pair of shoes. I have actually always liked these particular type of sneakers. I have never been into typical feminine-style shoes, and you will never see me wearing high heels; that's just not me.
These particular sneakers possess several functions. They are comfortable, they fit almost every way of dressing, from skirt to trousers, they are all in black, and for sure they signify an identification with a certain musically-related subculture. Yet there is more...
These particular sneakers possess several functions. They are comfortable, they fit almost every way of dressing, from skirt to trousers, they are all in black, and for sure they signify an identification with a certain musically-related subculture. Yet there is more...

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The only blade is a razor sharp smile...
Flogging Molly: (No More)Paddy's Lament
The story of Flogging Molly and me started three years ago. It is connected with Nanbudo seminar in Spain, which also leads to my fascination with Finland. As I am no longer in touch with the one that introduced me to both, Finnish culture and Flogging Molly, I also cannot share the news with him, despite this time I would like to. Nothing special for Finnish audience that is given several excellent bands at least within one of their summer festivals, not to mention all the gigs during the year, however, for me, this was really a great event. And also a kind of natural development of my bitter-sweet Finnish story that has started in summer 2005. I have seen Flogging Molly live!
First of all, a few words about the band. They are originally from America, yet they have Irish roots. If you are into lively punk-rock, blended with strong elements of Irish folk and atmosphere, featuring lyrics about exile, Irish national identity, critical bitterness, fight for one own's rights and troubled life, but also on happiness, drinking and fiery love - then I suggest to check out Flogging Molly. Well, I suggest this band anyway; just click here, and listen.
For some reasons the band has never reached Slovenia. However, Flogging Molly is very popular in Finland. They have visited the country many times, especially during summer festivals. Nevertheless the place of the event, Tavastia in Helsinki, was full; the band actually decided to make two gigs as the original date, 7th of May, was sold out within some hours. However, I was able to get my ticket for Tuesday 6th of May - and all that was left was the (rail)road to Helsinki.
As there is about 270 km between JKL and the capital, I decided to spend more time in Helsinki; luckily, I was given a friendly place to stay, free of charge. Thus, I traveled on Monday morning already, and I hoped for a couple of relaxing days. Finally, those two days turned out tense, as I also had some health problems again, that flu be damned, but still - to the gig I went. And the gig was just... wow.
Flogging Molly's music, inspired with traditional Irish jig, probably reminds Finns on their own humppa, and that might be the reason the audience here goes so crazy when Molly plays live. I guess there was a slight truth in Dave King's, Flogging Molly's frontman, words there were only one folks that were as crazy as the Irish - the Finns. Sure we were a crazy audience, and with such a professional band on stage, there is no problem to go wild.
The main theme was the new album Float, but of course they had to play some of their older songs. Good for me, newcomer to Molly's gigs, thus I could hear some of my favorites, too. Paddy's Lament and Float from the new album, and then older material like What's Left of the Flag, If I Ever Leave this World Alive, Whistels the Wind, Within a Mile Home, Selfish Man, Devil's Dance Floor, and more - all the way to I guess obligatory Black Friday Rule.
So I must remain in my new adopted land
I'm doing the best, Hell I'm doin' all I can...
Flogging Molly: Black Friday Rule
I'm doing the best, Hell I'm doin' all I can...
Flogging Molly: Black Friday Rule
Finally, I had a great two hours in Tavastia, full of good mood and flaming Irish energy. The performance feelt proper, Flogging Molly's contact with the audience opened and relaxed. For some time I wish to visit Ireland again, not just because of getting more into Irish music within the last months; anyway, I have been listening to traditional Irish folk a lot already some years ago. It was more than worth to travel to Helsinki just to attend one band's gig - and all I can do now is to suggest Flogging Molly again. Sláinte agus saol agat!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Spring has finally reached our part of Finland, almost all of a sudden. Sun has started to shine, temperatures have risen to a pleasant mild degree, and days are getting really long. So much of light! Some three weeks ago, I was still in my winter coat; now I can wear T-shirts.
It seems as Finland would have a special character - somehow similar to mine. In a way, Finland is a land of extremes. Either nothing or everything, either black or white, either depression or euphoria; there is no middle, no grey colour, no balance. Unstable, stormy, but also fiery character. Short days and a long-lasting lack of sunlight during winter; even if there are a couple of hours of daylight, sun is usually hidden behind clouds. And then, such an extreme change. I feel as that spring does not come slowly to these places, it just bursts out from long winter, and the nature goes through more fazes simultaneously.
So I sit in the center of JKL, catching that bright sunlight, people passing by in light clothes, holding their hands, they seem much more joyful than in winter, a lot of us is eating ice-cream, and spring already feels like summer. I observe those young beginnings of what will soon become a full-grown leaf on the tree... and I think...
It seems as Finland would have a special character - somehow similar to mine. In a way, Finland is a land of extremes. Either nothing or everything, either black or white, either depression or euphoria; there is no middle, no grey colour, no balance. Unstable, stormy, but also fiery character. Short days and a long-lasting lack of sunlight during winter; even if there are a couple of hours of daylight, sun is usually hidden behind clouds. And then, such an extreme change. I feel as that spring does not come slowly to these places, it just bursts out from long winter, and the nature goes through more fazes simultaneously.
So I sit in the center of JKL, catching that bright sunlight, people passing by in light clothes, holding their hands, they seem much more joyful than in winter, a lot of us is eating ice-cream, and spring already feels like summer. I observe those young beginnings of what will soon become a full-grown leaf on the tree... and I think...
... When I see young leaves growing, I already think how they will turn yellow in autumn.
... When I feel the warmth of the sun, I already think of forthcoming cold.
... When I am joyful, I am aware I can be easily depressed again .
... When I observe days turning long, I remember they will start to retreat back into darkness.
....When a love starts, I am already afraid of the time when it will end.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
- Istun Lutakossa, juon mansikkasiideria, en ole koskaan maistanut mansikkasiideria, se maistuu oudolta.
- Tahdon kirjoittaa jotakin kaunista. Tahtoessani tiedän, että se tuli on jo hävinnyt, kun aloitan kirjoittamisen.
- Olen humalassa, en jaksa enää ja en puhu totta.
- Menin Lutakkoon kuunnellakseni Rytmihäiriötä.
- Menin Lutakkoon rautatieaseman kautta. Juuri silloin saapui juna Turusta.
- Jos näet hänet, niin kerro hänelle minun kuulleen kaikki ne bändit, joista hän oli kertonut mulle kauan sitten.
- Kuulin myös ne bändit, joista silloin hän ei ollut kertonut. Luullakseni hänkin näki ne liveinä.
- Olen alkanut kuunnella hardcorea hänen vuoksi.- Tahdon kirjoittaa jotakin kaunista. Tahtoessani tiedän, että se tuli on jo hävinnyt, kun aloitan kirjoittamisen.
- Olen humalassa, en jaksa enää ja en puhu totta.
- Menin Lutakkoon kuunnellakseni Rytmihäiriötä.
- Menin Lutakkoon rautatieaseman kautta. Juuri silloin saapui juna Turusta.
- Jos näet hänet, niin kerro hänelle minun kuulleen kaikki ne bändit, joista hän oli kertonut mulle kauan sitten.
- Kuulin myös ne bändit, joista silloin hän ei ollut kertonut. Luullakseni hänkin näki ne liveinä.
- En todellakaan ole alkanut kuunnella hardcorea vain hänen vuoksi, olen aina tykännyt siitä.
- Mulla on ollut päänsärkyjä jo pari viikkoa.
- Mulla on ollut jotakin sellaista kuin masennus, ja se on ärsyttävä.
- Näyttää siltä, että ihmisten on helppoa unohtaa.
- Olen lihonut.
- Olen iloinen kasvissyöänä.
- Mulle kuuluu ihan hyvää.
- En toivo enää.
- En toivo mitään enää.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Morjens! Some time has passed without any new word from me. There was some work, some exams, a bit of sleepiness, slight depression - and there was also one trip. It seems Cinnamon Book is opening a whole serious on Nordic capitals; there is at least one city that will follow the previous booklet about Helsinki. Last weekend, thus meaning from Thursday 17th of April to Monday 20th of April, I traveled to Sweden. My one and only Swedish destination was the capital Stockholm.
First of all, how it started. On Thursday evening our group of students arrived to Turku. As I have some memories connected with that city, I have neither planned nor expected to appear in the place again. At least the castle was still there, still lurking above the harbour, so gloomy and solemn as the whole Turku can sometimes feel like. Anyway, the city had turned into my gateway to Sweden. There was big ferry waiting for us, or better, we had to wait for the ferry about an hour - and finally, off we sailed!
The experience on the ferry was amusing, there and back again. On the way to Sweden we were lucky enough to get some good and fancy cabins. Again, as with my Estonian experience, people invaded Tax Free Shop, providing themselves with cheaper amount of alcohol. For me, it was more interesting to sleep on the sailing ferry. At one point the ship also stopped in Ahvenanmaa (Åland); I cannot say when as I was sleeping and none of us did not even realise the fact. Finally, at about six in the morning, we were kindly woken by the ferry staff - and there was Sweden, waiting to greet us.
Friday started with sunny weather and a long walk from the harbour to our hostel, which was conveniently located in Gamla Stan, The Old Town. Such a shiny spring. The day continued with walking around the city.The weather was so nice, sunny and warm that I decided to walk around, take pictures and try to enjoy the big capital feeling for the rest of the trip as well. Nevertheless, slightly cloudy Saturday was dedicated to walking already before my decision. There was a guided tour around the centre, which became handy as I would not be able to discover some spots by myself. Magnificent buildings, parks turning green, blooming cheery trees.
Later on, I took my time to check out the main shopping district more carefully. The experience of Swedish commercialism was the most strongest impression of the trip. So many things. So much choice - even too much. Hard to explain, but those big shopping malls, in generally called Gallerian, confused me slightly. I like shopping, sometimes, but not if I am confronted with such a mass of products. From the cheapest brands, of course underlined with an infinite number of local H&M's, all the way to fancy high-class items. Well-fare society by all means, or at least so it seemed. Too much goods to choose just everywhere. Highly developed commercialism that creates instant happiness - and I guess also emptiness, and boredom. Hard to explain again. I am not sure if I am done for such a world; I hate myself turning commercial, but it happens.
Last day of our staying in Stockholm occurred. Sunday, clear sky, sunny and warm. I decided to check out at least one museum. My way did not lead to those the most famous ones Stockholm can offer to an eager tourist: I had chosen Strindbergsmuseet, Strindberg's Museum. August Strindberg is perhaps the most famous Swedish playwright; being a dramaturg, I have liked his works a lot. The museum shows his apartment with the atmosphere as Strindberg would still live there, just being out for a while to get some sunlight. Interesting and something to remember.
After this cultural event, some more walking and taking pictures followed... until the time when we had to reach the harbour and, after some confusion, also our ferry. Next morning, Turku was gloomily grinning again... but nevertheless, we were safely back to Finland.
What can I finally say after this short visit of Stockholm? Only this - yes, it was far too short, too busy and a bit too anxious. I cannot just run from one museum to another, with no time to enjoy my life properly. Some impressions about the capital of Scandinavia, about Swedish history, and also about joys of highly developed commercialism have emerged. I do not feel I would belong to big cities, I have never liked them. So many people rushing everywhere, so many tourists, crazy and crowded. However, as Finland, Sweden also seems to be proud on the moose. Fluffy moose-souvenirs were actually the same as here, just the flag on them was different. Vikings are everywhere as well; we don't have them in Finland, since we have Kalevala, but they were similar to those I saw in Iceland. And it was really worth trying some of Swedish sweets.
All in all, I would like to visit Stockholm and, even more, Sweden again. I did not even experience that proper Sweden, with its countryside landscapes. But finally and after this short experience, I still feel I am culturally closer to Finland.
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