Moi! So, what has Kaneli been doing all this time while her Cinnamonbook was resting? She was traveling around Finland, not alone, and it was a lot of fun. May the photos tell the rest - and the story is still TBA! ;)
Summer walk in JKL
Crossing the Arctic Circle
Visiting the real Santa Claus; eh well... but finally, he proved to be charismatic, despite all commercial shit.
Admiring Midnight Sun - sky over Lapland at 1:00 in the morning
From Lapland to Helsinki - having great time at Tuska Metal Festival 2008
Exploring Helsinki again - this time, the best was Korkeasaari, Helsinki Zoo
Me like it! Enkrat se moram podati tudi na sever. Sama sem bila pred kratkim v Makedoniji in sem se zaljubila! Spet... Imam veliko ljubezni v obliki destinacij... hehehe :)
Vsekakor priporočam - tudi zato, ker obstaja Finnairova direktna povezava med Aerodromom Ljubljana (oz.letališčem Jožeta Pučnika) in Helsinki. Poleti je Finska sploh lepa... dolgi dnevi, zmerne temparature tja do 25 stopinj in lepa zelena narava.
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