Friday, December 17, 2010


Christmas madness has come to Finland. Streets of Helsinki are quite crowded - not to mention shopping centers, especially during weekends. Buying, giving and getting gifts for Christmas seems to be more than important here in Finland. However, I am only sending some cards with Season's Greetings. I won't travel to Slovenia during Christmas/New Year's either, it's just too expensive, too long as I should change planes - and I also have to work. Thus, I will spend this particular family-all-together kind of holiday more or less alone, and that...  well, that slightly sucks, I guess.

Considering lonesome Christmas Eves, I have recently seen Swedish movie adaptation  Män som hatar kvinnor of Stieg Larsson's novel from his Millennium Trilogy. However, in the movie there was a short scene when the character Lisbeth Salander catches a glance through the window. For a moment  she observes the joyful  family next door during Christmas dinner while Lisbeth herself sits alone at home. She gives an impression that she does not care at all, but then again she hesitates and considered the situation a bit. I slightly know how that feels... 

On the other hand, I don't like all this Christmas commercial pressure, kind of forced images of happy family celebrating together. Reality is sometimes quite different than these ideal images offered in the media. Here in Finland the expectation of Christmas is important; I have already mention the gifts. Then, good food and all that. Already on Christmas Eve, the 24th of December, all the offices are closed and public transport completely stops around two o'clock in the afternoon, if not earlier. Everybody is supposed to be at home or somewhere, celebrating. Or whatever. 

I have never put a lot of stress on such holidays. Also, I think that such a general image of overall happiness and constantly highlighted necessity for, in this case Christmas, celebration can bring some bad mood to those that do not have any option to celebrate. Well, at the end it's all about money and commercialism; the necessity of celebration most probably would not be mentioned so many times in the media if it would not bring the benefit of shopping for Christmas gifts/food/you-name-it. But who knows, perhaps even lonesome Christmases would become trend and fashion one day... 

To conclude this chatter-boxing, there surely is something I like about all this Christmas-celebration-thing: lights! Many lights and candles. It is so dark during Finnish winter that I have decorated my apartment already at the beginning of December - and also the city is very nice, especially in all this snow. Thus, we can enjoy at least some shiny, decorated and so Christmas-like traditional winter wonderland. Happy and lovely holidays I wish! :) 


Riki said...

Ja, pozabila si napisat, da je fajn, ker je fraj dan. :P Letos sicen ne, ker pride na vikend, drugače pa. :)

Ursa said...

Jaz sem tudi naveličana vsega tega okrog božiča. Še posebno v Alzaciji, kjer so izumili novoletno jelko, je vse okrašeno, z medvedki na oknih, mašnjami, lučkami... vsaka druga hiša ima svetleče sanke z jeleni na vrtu in oh in sploh je vse lepo in kičasto. :-) Ne, da ne uživam v kiču, ampak po parih dneh človek postane prenasičen. Z lučkami, s hrano, s človeškimi stiki (blagor tebi, ko ti nikamor ni treba na obisk), s smehljanjem, poljubljanjem (Francozi pač), ponavljanjem istih želja sto in stokrat.... tako kot si rekla, posiljujejo nas z občutkom, da moramo biti veseli in zadovoljni v krogu družine, tudi če nismo in bi se raje zaprli v stanovanje in božič preživeli zleknjeni na kavču z dobro knjigo v roki. :-)