Shopping in Helsinki a bit, I have found a perfect pair of shoes. I have actually always liked these particular type of sneakers. I have never been into typical feminine-style shoes, and you will never see me wearing high heels; that's just not me.
These particular sneakers possess several functions. They are comfortable, they fit almost every way of dressing, from skirt to trousers, they are all in black, and for sure they signify an identification with a certain musically-related subculture. Yet there is more...
These particular sneakers possess several functions. They are comfortable, they fit almost every way of dressing, from skirt to trousers, they are all in black, and for sure they signify an identification with a certain musically-related subculture. Yet there is more...
Converse...they seem to release many designs & colors every year. This year is the 100th anniversary so they might have even more models. Mine is about 4-5 years old. It looks like while but actually it's pale blue green and the name of the color was called "moon light". When I heard the name of the color, I just couldn't resist :-). Now I am thinking that Reino is the next target...
A great vegan shoe site that you may want to check out as well is
The shoes there are very affordable, AND trendy!
@chobitto Have you seen this other comment? O_O Damned commercialism, and in a way it might prove that veganism is becoming just an empty trend. It seems even word verification does not prevent SPAM...
However, I have always liked Converse, and it looks as they would be one year more trendy, and then the other year only some people would wear it. My very first were high and dark blue - as one of the AC/DC guys had exactly such model;that was the band I listened at that time, more than 10 years ago. :D But still, I certainly hope there is no slave work behind these shoes...
'Alstartke' so zakon! :) Celo srednjo šolo sem preživela v njih! Letos sem se določila, da pobrskam na podstrehi (v spominu imam, da bi se tam moral skrivati moj zadnji, ne preveč obrabljen par) in svoje 'alstartke' spremenim v obutev poletja 08. Si bom pa dala duška in bom sprostila svojo ustvarjalno žilico, ter jih porisala. Jupijuhej... komaj čakam :)
(tiskarski škrat)
Zanimiva ideja! :) Pa vsaj res unikaten par dobiš na tak način... glede na Conversovo spletno stran, pa je njihova ponudba tudi izjemno raznovrstna. Sam mene res skrbi ta sweat-shop problem... >:/
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