Tuesday, January 06, 2009


New Year resolutions are not my thing. If I would like to change something, it is better for me to start at the moment of my decision; setting the start of a change for the new year can be just a good reason for postponing the deed.

I want to see the time as a constant flow and thus all this overdoing with the coming of the New Year can feel too much. Well, I want, but I don't know how well I am able to escape this Central-European way of putting a lot of importance on the switch of years; it is an old habit into which I was born. On 31.12. 08, however, I happened to be in Finland, or to be more precise - in Helsinki. Aelfsciene, the guy that does not write a blog and me went to attend these two evenings of metal gigs in Nosturi. I was very very happy to finally see Estonian folk-metal band Metsatöll live on stage; but there was also something else I have learned during those two nights in Nosturi.

I found out Finns actually do not count down at midnight - and I think this is more than great. Celebration all night long without stressing the exact moment of midnight; this makes the change on the calendar kind of smooth and it creates that exact feeling of the floating time I am also after.

Now I can return to the old perception of the time and review the past 12 months. Or the time which has been called 2008. It was... well, not a very easy bunch of time. Well, I am not even sure if a certain amount of time can be totally and by all means easy; things probably need equilibrium, too much of easiness might again cause uneasiness. My strange logic or paradox or whatever.

Life in general: In the past 12 months I have been dealing a lot with depression. Accepting it, overcoming it, kind of. There was also forgetting, yet I am not sure about forgiving; perhaps it came as a part of forgetting. I also had a lot of work with my studies and I moved to another flat. Now I am dealing a lot with cooking and baking - and I like it.

Trips: Fun with Aelfsciene in Finland. 9 hours long train ride to Rovaniemi and then the same amount of hours to get back to JKL was the longest train ride I had ever done. However, during the same train ride I saw a real Finnish moose for the first time, and it was exactly on the Midsummer's Eve, Juhannus. Another new experience was the polar day.

Studies: I went back with my Finnish skills, but I went forward in my knowledge of Japanese. In addition, I made some progress in Aikido.

Music and Culture: Seeing Flogging Molly live was a great experience. Tuska Metal Festival in Helsinki and Metalcamp in Slovenia were the only two metal festivals I attended. Tuska was cold, Metalcamp rainy; but both were more or less fine. Then, Lutakko, the coolest place for gigs in JKL, has become the place of my work. Considering culture I finally managed to see my favorite painting, Lemminkäisen äiti by Akseli Gallen-Kallela.

Animal: Sheep. Just don't ask me why...

Well... there was probably more events which I should write down, but as the time constantly floats I will rather stop making a big deal about that amount of time we have marked with the number 2008.

Finally, for good energy overall and not only in the time of the year that has just started, here is some nice lyrics in Estonian.

Anna elu, anna rauale
anna elu, anna kivile
kanna rammu, kanna hõimule
kanna maale kuhu sünnime
Metsatöll - Veelind

1 comment:

Ulmiel said...

Jaz svojega raje nisem takole opredeljevala. Čeprav bi bilo zanimivo. Morda bi dojela, da ni bilo vse tako grdo. :)

Hehe, ovce. :D