I took a picture of this rainy rose today. The weather has turned cold after those splendid sunny days. Some time has passed since my last post... and I feel I need to write something. No deep thoughts, just a few egotistic words to keep Cinnamon Book alive.
Past days were busy. During last weekend, International Nanbudo Seminar in Ljubljana occurred. The founder of our martial art Joshinao Nanbu Doshu came to teach us. It was good. The practice was fine and sweaty. Also, I was a bit sorry since I did not take part in an exam this year; nevertheless I am very happy with my progress. But yes, good training can indeed save the day.
Now it feels like more empty days are starting. I guess I will rest a bit. And I will treat my dear self with some special chocolates... mhm.
Zelo lepa slika, res. :)
Sicer je pa dobro, da se še malce razvajaš. Jaz bi se tudi, pa moram zdaj delat. V primeru, da bi opazili, da ne delam, me prosim naženite z biči, gorjačami, meči, strelami in vsemi reklamami Dormeo Anžeja Dežana h knjigam. Hvala.
Hvala, vrtnice so zakon. Trenutno pa se razvajam tako, da poslušam en hud hardcore... :D Hm, menda tale bend ne bo prava izbira. Obisk Rustice sledi popoldne. ;)
Anžej Dežan da poležava na Dormeu? Wow... No, kakorkoli - saj ti bo uspelo! Potem pa sledi razvajanje še zate... in bo toliko bolj sladko.
Kaunis kuva!
Ja suklaa auttaa aina ;)
Niin, käytän suklaata lääkkeenä melko usein. :)
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