The radio I am working on has come up with one project. Presentation of European languages. One week for each language. Live show with chatting in Finnish and four theoretical editions. Last week, I was writing as crazy. Finnish language, alternative Finnish music, Finnish theatre. Also, I had to do an interview with a real Finn.
There was quite some organization to do. Not only that I was reading everything myself. That was nice as I like to do this radio-reading. Anyway, for the interview, I asked a young Finnish man living in Ljubljana. For the live show, it was a bit harder to find a proper person. Finally, I contacted a young Finnish woman from Keski-Suomi, Mid-Finland. Great. Kiitos to both!
The written parts. It was very hard to tell about all specifics of Finnish in... only half an hour. While I was dealing with theatre, I was shocked as I realised that Reko Lundan, interesting young Finnish playwright, has died last October. This is so sad news...
However, my dreams came true as I was finally able to do my own half an hour programme on alternative music. So, my favorite part was this alternative music...
The live show. It happened last Monday. Chatting in Finnish, translating into Slovenian and vice versa for an hour. The listeners were supposed to guess, where in Finland our guest was. Well, I was slightly afraid of this simultaneous translating as I have been learning Finnish for the last two years only. Thus far, I have never done simultaneous translation in Finnish. But, Hell, I did it well. Very well indeed, prekleto. It was so much fun.
I guess now I am officially an active speaker of Finnish.
Kul, kulj. :) Potem v sredo zjutraj sem dejansko poslušala tisto oddajo na Študentu.:D Kar zanimivo.;)
Alcessa: Kiitos! Me happy. :D
Banshee: Me veseli. Vsaj nekdo je poslušal, ki ga glasba zanima... Ti bendi so fajn... suomi metalli, trash, hardcore in podobno. Mokoma so sploh hecni: frontman ima dolgo čupo in pa dolgo brado. :D
Aja, še to o finski alter muziki. Poleti imajo Finci res toliko festivalov z vsemi mogočimi bendi, da so nemarneži lahko zelo izbirčni. Mi pa vsi veseli, da imamo en in edini Metalcamp... ;)
Yesterday, once again there was My Dying Bride played in Fabrka! :D
Our gang spends Saturday evenings there regularly; and so far, my favorite bend was played only... twice.
''Open wide. Let me see
A poisoned soul in agony
Self pity strangles me
I'm lashed by grief
And I'm killing me...''
Kuulostaa hienolta! Onnittelut täältäkin suunnalta :) Voi kun olisin kuullut sen radio-ohjelman.
Hei ja kiitos!
Luin blogiasi tänä viikonloppuna, mutta valitettavasti en jaksanut kirjoittaa mitään siinä. No taas paljon uusia tarinoita... ja luullakseni Vappu oli todella hyvä. :)
Hm... mielestäni ohjelmani meni hyvin. Halusin julkaista radion linkin tässä, mutta en jaksanut. Onpa mahdollista kuuntella radiota netistä... vaikka vain kaksi ohjelman osaa oli suomenkielessä. Se live-keskustelu ja haastattelu. Ja tietenkin osassa, joka puhui kielestä ja kielen ominaisuuksista oli paljo kirosanoja, hehe... Me ollaan hiukan hullu radio. :)
Mutta lienee mahdollista kuuntella sitä ohjelmaa taas. Kirjoitan tässä, jos se tapahtuu.
Okay, I forgot to write this. I have decided not to become a tourist guide for Finnish tourists. :( I was very into it for some time, but then... other options popped out and so on. Well, this tourist guide thingie is still an option for the future. I will see. I am still a bit interested into doing it.
Thus I am writing, that at least something good came out of this learning: thinking about the job possibilities. My humble knowledge has actually got useful for business. Despite I did not become a tourist guide. Translating literature and plays would be another good option... in the future. :)
Heh :)
Sinunkin ideaalinen mies kuulostaa hyvältä ;)
Voi kun tuntisin häntä... :)
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