tjolahopp tjolahej tjolahoppsan-sa
Här kommer Pippi Långstrump,
ja, här kommer faktisk jag.
So far, I have not written anything on one fact. I have been given a job. As most of the jobs in my artsy professional field, it is a temporary project; yet the fee seems quite nice. And what is my task? I have to travel within Ljubljana-region (which is pretty big) and visit regional meetings of children's theatre groups. Kids as actors, teachers as their theatre directors and so on. I have to sit in the auditorium and watch a row of children's production. Then, I have to talk to keen teacher what they could do better, how the theatre is actually done, what are the basics when creating theatre...
First working trip happened last Wednesday. And yes, it seems already the task will be serious. There is this row of productions to watch; the observation needs to be precise since I am also entitled to do final selection for one bigger regional meeting. Second, I have to teach very keen teachers. Errr... here, some older ladies can prove quite special handle-with-care case when it comes to discussion. Okay, understandable. But it also looks like older grammar-school teachers have not change at all within the last twenty years. All in all, first working day took seven hours. Some time of watching, some time of discussing. And I was tired at the end. Such collaboration whit people, concentration on the words said, discussion... it actually requires lots of special energy. One feels empty at the end. Exhaustion is one charm of working life.
One thing is that I do not work every day. This trip was the only in February. However, in March, those trips will be more frequent, even following one after the other, and I will have to switch various places. It is also okay the work has actually something to do with the thingie I have studied. Well, I would also not mind doing something which does not include dramaturgy... but still. This was offered to me and I accepted the thing; there are not additonal exams required, and my BA is enough.
Since I am dealing with children's theatre, I was also warned that I would soon see many variations on Pippi Långstrump (Pika Nogavička). Too many. Well, Pippi was one of my favorite books when I was even more childish than today and I am happy that she, rebel and feminist role model, is immortal (literally), but nevertheless... Yep, within my first working day, I have already seen one...
Hehehehe, sounds like alot of fun! I loved Pika too ... have a book somewhere ... always imagined to be one of those two children, going up to her house, taking care of the horse and stuff. :)
And I can hardly recall it now. Maybe I should read it again. When I have time. :)
Btw, love your blog. I probably haven't told you that yet. You manage to keep it interesting. :)
Eej, to je pa res fajn. :) Se pa strinjam, da je delo z ljudmi fuuuul naporno zaradi vseh stvari, ki si jih napisala: koncentracija, izbiranje pravih besed, prepričevanje...
I'd say the sooner one gets used to the strenuousness of such work the better. It seems to be an integral part of it. I find it interesting that schools are interested in teaching their pupils how to do proper theatre.
And: having seen Pika several times sound great!
Nárëlaimë: Thanks for the comment and good opinion on my blog! :) I remember a few years ago, Mladinsko gledališče (Theatre Mladinsko) produced one nice Pika Nogavička... so if it is still on, I would suggest you to see it. Instead of reading. ;)
Banshee: Ja, je kar zahtevno. Ko sem delala kot asistentka in se bila par let mlajša mogoče tega niti nisem opazila... čeprav sem bila po zadnji asistenci leta 2003, ki je bila res naporna, čisto sesuta. In nisem vedela zakaj. :) Sploh je treba pazit, da teh amaterskih gledališčnikov ne prizadaneš ter jim s tem vzameš veselje do dela...
Alcessa: Yep, I am already trying to deal with this. Hopefully, I'll soon become a professional. :D Yes, these theatre gropus are among free-time activities schools offer to their pupils... and those teachers seem very serious about doing theatre. Considering Pika, I have already seen one very young girl, supposed she was about eight years old - and she was really good. :) Proper Pika indeed.
Kiitos kaikista kommenteistasi. Olen samaa mieltä kanssasi siitä, että näin on todella parasta. Eli kyllä se eroaminen lopulta oli ihan hyvä juttu. Kestää vain jonkin aikaa ennen kuin itse ymmärrän sen ihan täysin.
Tämä sinun työsi kuulostaa kiinnostavalta. Peppi Pitkätossu oli lapsena yksi suosikkini (Muumien jälkeen...).
Hei ja kiitos sinulle. On hyvä kuulla, että se eroaminen oli hyvä juttu.
Huh, toisaalta minä hiukan pelkään puhua rakkaudesta ja en halua antaa paljon neuvoja toisille... ehkä sen takia, koska minä itse olen vielä hiukan sekaisin. :) No, totta puhuakseni olen ollut hyvin surullinen erään katkeran rakkauden tarinani takia. ;(
Rakkaus voi olla hauska, vaikea ja kummakin juttu...
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