Monday, December 22, 2008


The newspaper Keskisuomalainen has just published the news that Christmas in central Finland is going to be white this year. So it seems. The picture, however, is a bit older, yet it belongs to this winter and is thus able to depict the atmosphere I am talking about. White, more light - and so less depressive.

Apart from proper let it snow, let it snow, let it snow feelings, Christmas madness is in its full speed; and that can be annoying, especially if one takes Christmas more easy. But commercial society can now celebrate with ham and gifts. Crowds and Christmas songs, joulu here, joulu there, joulu this, joulu that. Well, glögi is nice to drink, cinnamon cookies or piparit are even better to taste.

Whatever... from the homeland of Santa and his loyal Rudolf... I wish you GOOD CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS!


Aallotar said...

Hvalaaa :))) pri nas je koncno nehalo dezevati po dveh tednih, o snegu ne duha ne sluha:(( meni se nekako danes zacnejo ˝pocitnice˝, glede na to, da so nas se danes na japon. mucili z vsem moznim.

Uzivaj praznike, pozdravi Bozicka in Rudolfa pa objemi finsko zame;)))

Aelfsciene said...

Kiitos :)

Vsec slikci ... Pa upam, da bo v Helsinkih tut NL bel :)

Ulmiel said...

Sweet, hvala enako. :) Nimam nič od počitnic, oz. ne bi smela imeti, ker imam v sredi januarja izpit, pa se kar ne spravim k učenju. I'm hopeless, i know. Še zame kak cimetov piškot pospravi. ;)

Tea Ribič said...

epe fotke. :) Mi smo pa danes z dijaki peli Sveto noč v španščini (Noche de paz), pa še en Jingle bells v španščini od benda Moderatto (eni španski glamerji), hihi. :)

Tea Ribič said...

Aja, saj res! Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! HO-HO-HO! :d

kaneli said...

Hvala za komentarje vsem! :P Naj bo Joulupukki/Božiček dober in radodaren! :D