Hei, dear all. Lots of things has been going on lately... so there was no time to write proper posts. Actually, I do not have much time at the very moment either. My room is a mess, things allover, bags, books and boxes. Also, I have not found proper words, how to write this down, it is quite a big thing for me. It took me some time to decide. I am emotionally aroused. Thus, this post will be a bit abstract, without some more concrete facts... Well, I am excited. So it has been for the last weeks. I am moving.
The fact is that I am going to start my MA studies. In another city. And yes, a month ago I have received a notice saying that I will be given a scholarship. I have been preparing quite long for this event... yet the emotional part is the toughest to overcome. Saying goodbye to my dear people, saying goodbye to regular trainings of Nanbudo in my club. It is not easy for sure. But on the other hand, I am looking forward to the new experiences. Just keep it simple. I really cannot find proper words at the moment.
When am I moving? Already this Monday, 27 August. I am moving to a student apartment where I am supposed to have the Internet. However, I do not know when I will manage to establish normal connection, so I will be offline for some time.
Alright. Above you can observe a photo of a rainbow I have taken some time ago. I send you all this bright colours. For now, my friends and fellow bloggers, I wish you all the best.
The fact is that I am going to start my MA studies. In another city. And yes, a month ago I have received a notice saying that I will be given a scholarship. I have been preparing quite long for this event... yet the emotional part is the toughest to overcome. Saying goodbye to my dear people, saying goodbye to regular trainings of Nanbudo in my club. It is not easy for sure. But on the other hand, I am looking forward to the new experiences. Just keep it simple. I really cannot find proper words at the moment.
When am I moving? Already this Monday, 27 August. I am moving to a student apartment where I am supposed to have the Internet. However, I do not know when I will manage to establish normal connection, so I will be offline for some time.
Alright. Above you can observe a photo of a rainbow I have taken some time ago. I send you all this bright colours. For now, my friends and fellow bloggers, I wish you all the best.
*hug* Srečno pot in ne pozabi na nas. :) Upam, da se boš mela kar najlepše.
Tudi od mene srecno pot, pa saj se vidimo - upam da se pred odhodom, pa upam da za kako novo leto, pa na kak obisk z nase strani je tudi za upat (vsaj mene zelo vlece, le se finance in cas bo treba preucit) ...
Sicer se bos mela pa odlicno, bos videla! Samo vpeljat se moras najprej, ampak to bo kmalu mimo!
Good luck!! Looking forward to hearing some more...
@Narelaime in Aelfsciene: Objem nazaj. ;) Hvala za vso podporo. Ne bom pozabila na vas, pogrešala bom sobotna druženja v Fabrki...
@Alcessa: Hvala. :) I will try to keep in touch. ;) As soon as I get online...
Oj, tudi jaz ti želim srečno pot in prijetno bivanje! :) Na nambudo se lahko tudi tam vpišeš, metal lokal pa menda tudi imajo kak tam. ;) Se slišimo!
@Tea: Hvala tudi tebi. :) Metal lokali menda so - takšni, ki včasih gostijo tudi punk koncerte. :D Sam, saj veš... odhod in poslavljanje in to... :S Nanbudo tam tudi je, vendar precej daleč od mojega mesta. Poleg tega pa je v tistem klubu You-Know-Who . ;)
A ima Tisti, ki ga ne smemo imenovati vezo tudi s tem, da v postu nisi omenila, kam tocno gres? Napisano imas celo le "drugo mesto", ne niti "druga drzava" :)
Saj res, tako izpade, kot da se seliš v Novo mesto! :D Dobro da vem, zakaj se gre, saj drugače bi napisala "pa saj Slovenija je majhna, čemu taka ceremonija". :)
Pa res. :D Samo toliko sem napisala, da javim odsotnost za nekaj časa. Rada imam skrivnosti. ;) Tisti, ki ga ne smemo imenovati pa... domnevam, da mu je vseeno. Dramatiziram. :D Ampak res... ne vem, kar težko govorim o tem, da grem in kam grem. :S Živci, živci...
Ah, saj bo. :)
Tea - ja, Slovenija je majhna, ampak meni se zdi selitev v novo stanovanje (ne studentsko, temvec prav selitev od doma) se kar zelo velika stvar. Ne za poslovitveno ceramonijo, vsekakor pa za omenit in proslavit.
Se strinjam - vselitvena žurka mora bit! :D Vsaj teoretično pomeni selitev vstop v večjo odgovornost in predvsem samostojnost. :)
However, until next post - stay fine, my dear friends and fellow bloggers. :)
Veliko sreče, kamorkoli greš. :)
Sem tudi jaz hotela napisat, da je slovenija majhna. XD
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