Snow has gone. Some very odd things are going on lately, too. I only wonder and try to understand. Yet I would like some sudden silences to be explained... Sometimes I just cannot understand. I don't care for some things. For other, I care far too much. I try to do my best. Or I just think I am trying to do my best. Perhaps I have become slightly too superficial and lazy. God knows.
I would ride my bike on the forest tracks. I would start cross-country skiing again; years have passed since I have last been dealing with cross-country skiing. I would do Genki Nanbu Ichiban on the quiet lake-shore, as I remember me doing it (there was no people around).
In my two latest plays, characters go nuts all of a sudden, and they just leave. Everything behind. People, places; everything. They move, they go, they travel; or at least they try to move. They take a brake. Yep, I would need holidays, desperately. Just a week would be enough, a week in one different world, different city, wherever different. I would just go to... somewhere. But I start this job in February...
I would take a brake. I would take a deep breath.
There are things I have to think about. There is me I have to think about the most, I guess.
Kyllä matkustamisessa on hyvät puolensa ja ehkä minäkin siitä vielä innostun :)
Haluaisin muuten käydä Islannissa. Se on aina kiehtonut minua: "We come from the land of the ice and snow,from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow." Ehkä osasyy kiinnostukseeeni Islannista on juuri tuo Led Zeppelinin laulu...
Draga, ce se ti zdi, da potrebujes odmor, ni nic narobe, ce si ga vzames ... Samo, da se vse izboljsa!
Kiitos tietoista. Pyysin kaveriltani tätä biisiä ja kuuntelin sen. Ihanaa. Huh, olenhan hölmö; jostakin syystä en tunne vanhoja rokkiklassikoita niin hyvin kuin pitäisin tuntea niitä.
Islanti on taikamaana. Vaikka matkustaminen siihen voisi tulla melko kaliiksi. No, aivan sama minulle kun näin sen maisemaan. Vaikea kertoa siitä. Siellä oli sekä tulivuoria että jäävuoria... siellä oli laavan aavikko... Vain yritä kuvitella. :)
Hvala. :) Mogoče pa res... bom videla. Tudi kakšne toplice bi bile fajn. :D
Additional thought after today's training. Yep, I guess I can be one superficial as well as sometimes so destructively impatient Kaneli...
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