Friday, January 05, 2007


Here it is. The very new year. Huh, I feel I should be writing some very deep words. Yet I feel empty these days. So I will just write out from this emptiness. Let's do some bloggy personal blah-blah first. The New Year's Eve party I was in with my friends was alright. Thanks again for relaxed evening. Which lasted until late morning. Also I guess it will be hard to forget those rockets the neighbours had. Just imagine, there were some very shiny rockets that produced very special screams while flying. The screams sounded as one would keep sending crying babies into the sky. Kafka as well as Munch-like celebration. I am only slightly ashamed since I fall asleep so nicely on that sofa in the middle of jolly crowd, hehe. Then Eläkeläiset woke me up for a while again. Oh, and later I had some strange science-fiction dreams. Actually I think I had never had science-fiction dreams before.

This week I have got slightly sick. Of course this week, when trainings started. And I have felt hectic. For the first, I blame those nasty viruses, for the second this future I have to plan, somehow. Apply for some stuff, do something, be more active, write, just do it.

Okay, now let's move to some bigger blah-blah one can get just everywhere in Slovenia. New year has started to shine whit the glow of Slovenian euro coins we in this country are now obliged to use. Yeah, now we seem to be a part of great Europe indeed. Whatever. But how do I feel this euro thingies? Perhaps it is too soon for me to judge about this change more seriously. Well, I have never been so very much attached to my own country. Still all of a sudden it feels kind of... strange. Interesting as well as odd. And yes, people are confused a bit. Also some guys with the stall in the middle of Ljubljana seem to be making huge business with the sell of those special euro wallets and, as they shout, cheap euro calculators.

So euro we have. Good luck. Hei, but more I await the time I will travel again, thus spreading these funny coins with lots of Slovenian words around other parts of Europe.


Anonymous said...

Tudi jaz sem malo prehlajena zadnje dni; iz nosa mi teče kri in tišči me v prsnem košu.:( Glede evrov mi je pa kar fino zaenkrat; imam en fin, pregleden tošeljček.:) Za nekatere je smorano, ker se zdaj opočutijo bolj "revne"; prej so imeli 5000 tolarjev, zdaj imajo pa 20.85 evrov...

kaneli said...

Mhja, meni je nasploh padla odpornost (stres + premalo vitaminov)... tak čas sedaj, kaj hočemo. In ko bi bila vsaj prava zima... da bi mraz preprečil širjenje virusov.

Evrov sem že kar navajena, sem ugotovila; pozna se, da sem poleti dalj časa preživela na evro območju. Poleg tega sem pri evrih bolj ''škrta'' oziroma manj razsipna kot pri tolarjih. Lažje plačam 479.28 sit kot pa 2 eur. :)

Anonymous said...

Kaneli, jaz komaj čakam dan, ko bom v Nemčiji dobila nazaj prvi slovenski evro!
Drugače pa sem tudi jaz z evrom postala bolj škrta - kot da imam naenkrat v roki "ta pravi denar". Bad girl. :-) (fajn, da si objavila sliko v prejšnjem postu).

Tako,da vidimo, če se znam prijavit po japonsko:

kaneli said...

Hvala za mnenje o fotki. Treba je bilo zbrati nekaj poguma za le to objavo. :D

Glede na velikost našega naroda pa zna biti, da bomo imeli v denarnicah več tujih evrskih kovancev kot svojih.

In čestitam za uspešno prijavo - yuuki o dashite (be brave)!