For the consumer that eagerly buys organic and fair trade products...
Dear consumer!
It is very nice to see you care for the nature and for the fair world. Regardless the higher price, you stay loyal to those better products, and basically everything what you have is either organic or fair trade. You might also be vegan/vegetarian as you don't support the cruel food industry. However... (there will always be a however if I am writing, OK?)... so, however...
Dear consumer,
there is something I don't really understand. You seem to be so supportive towards nature and, most of all, fair trade products; you don't want to be ignorant as so many other consumers are., just buying the stuff, no matter if it was done by a poor kid somewhere in India. Yet, my dear consumer, you are ignorant. You care about the world, but you don't care about those that live close to you; near you. You care about fair trade, but you don't care to organise a fair sharing of the, for instance, student appartement. You don't care if the pipes in the bathroom get stuck, regardless the fact that you sometimes take shower even twice a day. You can use a kitchen-item and you don't care to either a) ask about it or b) say thanks. You don't feel like sharing the shelves in the common kitchen, also. And you still don't ask if this or that would be fine with others. Overall, despite some good impressions that you can give, especially with the choice of the products you make, you seem so very ignorant.
Dear consumer...
Are you sure you understand the meaning of organic and fair trade? Do you really support the ideology behind these products? Do you really care about some poor kid in India? Do you really care about trees if you don't care about your actual neigbhours?
Dear consumer
I am afraid you don't actually support neither organic nor fair trade ideology. Well, actually you think you do, honestly you think, but all your other behaviour is controversive. Thus, my dear consumer, I would dare to say you are only following some general trends, some Cosmopolitan writings that scream to you buy organic, buy fair trade! Because it's cool., because it's so trendy... because you have to show you're different... you have to at least pretend you're not ignorant.
However, my dear consumer, you are very ignorant, and buying all these organic and fair trade products feels so very phony, careless and empty...
Dear consumer!
It is very nice to see you care for the nature and for the fair world. Regardless the higher price, you stay loyal to those better products, and basically everything what you have is either organic or fair trade. You might also be vegan/vegetarian as you don't support the cruel food industry. However... (there will always be a however if I am writing, OK?)... so, however...
Dear consumer,
there is something I don't really understand. You seem to be so supportive towards nature and, most of all, fair trade products; you don't want to be ignorant as so many other consumers are., just buying the stuff, no matter if it was done by a poor kid somewhere in India. Yet, my dear consumer, you are ignorant. You care about the world, but you don't care about those that live close to you; near you. You care about fair trade, but you don't care to organise a fair sharing of the, for instance, student appartement. You don't care if the pipes in the bathroom get stuck, regardless the fact that you sometimes take shower even twice a day. You can use a kitchen-item and you don't care to either a) ask about it or b) say thanks. You don't feel like sharing the shelves in the common kitchen, also. And you still don't ask if this or that would be fine with others. Overall, despite some good impressions that you can give, especially with the choice of the products you make, you seem so very ignorant.
Dear consumer...
Are you sure you understand the meaning of organic and fair trade? Do you really support the ideology behind these products? Do you really care about some poor kid in India? Do you really care about trees if you don't care about your actual neigbhours?
Dear consumer
I am afraid you don't actually support neither organic nor fair trade ideology. Well, actually you think you do, honestly you think, but all your other behaviour is controversive. Thus, my dear consumer, I would dare to say you are only following some general trends, some Cosmopolitan writings that scream to you buy organic, buy fair trade! Because it's cool., because it's so trendy... because you have to show you're different... you have to at least pretend you're not ignorant.
However, my dear consumer, you are very ignorant, and buying all these organic and fair trade products feels so very phony, careless and empty...
Hehe, tebi je pa cimra oz. sta ti cimri RES stopila/i na zulj :)
Itak je pa fair trade samo farsa. Pa tudi oni mali izkoriscani otrok v Indiji mora od cesa zivet ... ;)
Eh, ignoranca me zmeraj razjezi. Grrr! ;) Mali izkoriščani otrok v Indiji pa je verjetno zadovoljen s skledo riža...
Uh. *hug* Upam, da ti je bilo vsaj pri srcu malo lažje po spisanem. Drugače te ne znam potolažit, razen da ti svetujem, da se skregaš z njima, samo kaj, ko to ne bo pomagalo, če sta taki kot sta.
Saj načeloma ta praktični primer uporabljam tko nasploh... prizadene me, da folk kupuje te zadeve, po drugi strani pa vidiš ignoranco, in tega ne štekam.
Kar pa se Fink tiče, postajam vedno bolj rasistična. :P ;)
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