Tarvitsetko pussia? Such question would be stated whenever I would turn into a shopper in Finland. In most cases I reply en, kiitos, no thanks, and I use my own bag I have brought with me. As I like bags in general, I also like to have canvas shopping bags, which are not only very useful, but they can also offer the owner a nice design or a pleasant memory; from metal festivals and bands to domestic Finnish designers.
According to my experience, in Finland one would be at first asked, and then the plastic bag would be given - or not. However, I have noticed that in Slovenia, a plastic bag would be placed automatically, without a question; not in all shops, I guess, and also when buying grocery the plastic bag has to be purchased, so the user has time to think about it. Yet here were certainly some not-a-grocery-shops I where have missed the ''crucial'' question. When there is no interest from the other side, however, I tend to stop the act of giving away a plastic bag myself. Despite the fact I am so used of being asked about the bag that I sometimes even forget how generous Slovenian shops can be when it comes to their plastic additions...
Anyway, I don't feel like writing a long essay about the waste and all other ecological facts considering the (over)use of plastic bags; I just feel canvas shopping bags are useful and good. In many ways.
According to my experience, in Finland one would be at first asked, and then the plastic bag would be given - or not. However, I have noticed that in Slovenia, a plastic bag would be placed automatically, without a question; not in all shops, I guess, and also when buying grocery the plastic bag has to be purchased, so the user has time to think about it. Yet here were certainly some not-a-grocery-shops I where have missed the ''crucial'' question. When there is no interest from the other side, however, I tend to stop the act of giving away a plastic bag myself. Despite the fact I am so used of being asked about the bag that I sometimes even forget how generous Slovenian shops can be when it comes to their plastic additions...
Anyway, I don't feel like writing a long essay about the waste and all other ecological facts considering the (over)use of plastic bags; I just feel canvas shopping bags are useful and good. In many ways.
Mja, mene blazno frustrira ta radodarnost z vrečkami pri nas. Navadno izrecno poudarim, da vrečke ne rabim, še preden posežejo po njej, pa pogosto dobim odgovor "saj je zastonj" ali pa trapast pogled. In, na primer, v Mullerju je bila babnica zelo užaljena, ko nisem hotela vrečke. Sicer pa vseeno upoštevajo želje, večinoma. Ena kolegica vzame stvari ven iz nje in vrečko položi nazaj na pult, če je ne upoštevajo. :D
Na Finskem imam celo zbirko vrečk, ki jih nato uporabim za smeti. :D
Kako mene jezijo te vrečke!!! V mülerju me je prepičevala, da so zastonj in tri icipici stvar na vsak način skušala spravit v še eno vrečko ... V sparu ti namečejo tono tistih tamalih, tankih vrečkic. Včasih ji rečem, da ne rabim, pa jo čisto sesujem s tem - tako da zdaj pač pustim vrečke tam. In potem me naslednja nakupovalka preplašeno vpraša, če sme vzeti moje vrečke ... Grrr ...
Ja, vrečke sucks - razen tiste v moji zbirki na Finskem, ki čakajo, da bodo recilkirane. :P
Tudi meni gre to na živce, zdaj se počasi navajam, da s seboj nosim eno platneno ali papirnato vrečko. Imam tudi izkušnje z Irske - tam te tudi vedno vprašajo, vrečko moraš potem kupiti, ta pa je v večini primerov papirnata ali narejena iz blaga. Imam tudi eno fino vrečo iz blaga, na kateri piše SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAGS - največja ironija pa je, da je večina hrane, ki jo kupim, zavita v plastiko.
Na Finskem so navajeni reciklirati tudi plastenke za pijačo, o čemer sem nekoč že pisala... tukaj v Sloveniji prav seštevam, koliko centov bi dobila za posamezno plastenko.
Glede vrečk pa sem opazila, da so v DM-u na voljo take, ki so biološko razgradljive. Vsaj nekaj...
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