Thursday, February 26, 2009


Kadar se znajdem v kakšnem gostinskem lokalu, ponavadi nimam namena prisluškovati pogovorom pri sosednjih mizah. Tokrat pa so bile mize postavljene tako blizu, da sosednjih besed pač ni bilo mogoče preslišati...

Deklica mlajše generacije je razlagala svoji starejši družabnici, po vsej verjetnosti mami, da se, ko bo dosegla določeno starost, ne misli odseliti od doma. Zakaj le, ko pa imam doma vse preskrbljeno, perilo je oprano in hrana skuhana. Takšen bi bil povzetek argumenta, v katerem je deklica opisala ugodje, ki ji ga ponujajo mamina gospodinjska opravila. Seveda, ko se nekdo preseli, gospodinjska opravila postanejo neizogibna nujnost samostojnega vsakdana.

Sama sem si kar nekaj let želela, da bi se odselila od doma. Ker sem študirala v domačem mestu, se selitev v študijske namene ni zgodila, dokler se nisem odločila za magisterij. Na Severu Evrope, izkušnje imam predvsem z Islandijo in Finsko, pa je tako ali tako nekaj popolnoma običajnega, da se otroci odselijo od doma že zelo zgodaj. Družbene razmere so tam res drugačne, standard višji in situacija mnogo ugodnejša za tiste, ki začenjajo samostojno pot; ni primerjave, pa vendar...

Če so razmere naklonjene odraščajočim mladim, ali ne - želja in hrepenenje po samostojnosti lahko ostaneta prisotna. Špekuliram in razmišljam, da si bodo mulci prizadevali ravno nasprotno- čeprav se jim bo ponudila možnost, bodo vztrajali in raje bivakirali v udobnem Mamahotelu.

Kakorkoli že, ugodje zna biti tudi to, da se nekdo ob življenju na svojem nauči dobro opravljati osnovna gospodinjska opravila, od kuhanja in nakupovanja živil do pranja in spoznavanja primernih pralnih sredstev; enostavnosti, ki lahko prinesejo samozavest in občutek neodvisnosti ter tako osvežijo življenje.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Tarvitsetko pussia? Such question would be stated whenever I would turn into a shopper in Finland. In most cases I reply en, kiitos, no thanks, and I use my own bag I have brought with me. As I like bags in general, I also like to have canvas shopping bags, which are not only very useful, but they can also offer the owner a nice design or a pleasant memory; from metal festivals and bands to domestic Finnish designers.

According to my experience, in Finland one would be at first asked, and then the plastic bag would be given - or not. However, I have noticed that in Slovenia, a plastic bag would be placed automatically, without a question; not in all shops, I guess, and also when buying grocery the plastic bag has to be purchased, so the user has time to think about it. Yet here were certainly some not-a-grocery-shops I where have missed the ''crucial'' question. When there is no interest from the other side, however, I tend to stop the act of giving away a plastic bag myself. Despite the fact I am so used of being asked about the bag that I sometimes even forget how generous Slovenian shops can be when it comes to their plastic additions...

Anyway, I don't feel like writing a long essay about the waste and all other ecological facts considering the (over)use of plastic bags; I just feel canvas shopping bags are useful and good. In many ways.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


*Created with the help of Hirkani and Alcessa who lead me to the Bus Slogan Generator.*

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


When traveling by plane, I am usually bothered with the fact one is not allowed to carry (to big) bottles of liquids in the hand luggage. As I do not drink alco, my only problem are cosmetic products. But even in the case of cosmetic, I do not posess loads of make-up or several face-creams; however, just the basic set of soaps and lotions can signify a nice addition to the weight of the luggage. For me, there would be always a maximum of 20 kg; and I am always trying to take less than the maximum.

Winter sales in Finland went all the way to 70% off the original price and thus it was easier to spend money on some additional and perhaps slightly silly thingies other than just clothes. Lately, however, my obsession would not be clothes but vegan and bio cosmetic products; well, this could be another post within too many times neglected Cinnamon Book.

There were winter sales that turned my attention to this clever set for traveling. It surely is all-in-all plastic and it probably has been made in one particular Asian country... but I don't care. When traveling, I do not plan to search for products in small bottles I would probably throw away after the trip, thus polluting the environment. One can fill these little bottels with liquids-already-at-home by her own choice; in my case, everything would be just products for using while taking a shower. Or a bath, whatever.

Btw, I guess I have already mentioned I had always liked foxes...