Last Friday, I have bought the yellow textbook Shin Bunka Shokyuu Nihongo 1. The reason for this not very cheap purchase was the fact I have started to attend Japani 1, Japanese 1 class here in JKL. I have been attending the class for three weeks; then, I have decided I should insist in my language learning. Thus, the book is now mine.
My wish to learn Japanese is not new. Also, it is not connected with popular Japanese culture that invades young European generations; the wish has emerged when I started to practice Japanese martial arts. Or art, as at first there was only Nanbudo. During Nanbudo trainings I was always good in remembering all those foreign names of techniques, positions and katas. Japanese sounded interesting enough, and in 2004 the wish for learning has arisen.
However, things went their own way. At first, I was even considering an option if I would start studying Japanese in Ljubljana as a regular student; I still had a student status, at that time, but also unfinished diploma. I decided to finish my BA first, yet later I was sorry. Thus, I was searching for other Japanese classes, which did not work out. It seems I had to learn Finnish first. For during the summer 2005, my connection with Finland was established; a total coincidence... je bilo nek točno določeni Finec, s katerim sedaj že več kot eno leto ne govoriva, v nobenem jeziku, ter se nisva videla odkar živim tukaj, dobrih tristo kilometrov stran od tistega mesta. Mogoče mi postaja popolnoma vseeno, oziroma vsaj upam na to skorajšnjo vseenost.
If I was not able to find Japanese language class, Finnish group for beginners was established, and I could enrol. Coincidences, which might not exist, all sorts of events with their own hidden purpuse, which is discovered years later... whatever. After 4 years, moving to Finland and changing Nanbudo for Aikido, the wish to learn Japanese was still present and strong enough.
Now I am a student in Japani 1, learning Japanese through Finnish. And that makes me proud. :) I just have to keep on going...
... pri tem, ko raje pišem blog namesto japonske domače naloge in učenja hiragane.
My wish to learn Japanese is not new. Also, it is not connected with popular Japanese culture that invades young European generations; the wish has emerged when I started to practice Japanese martial arts. Or art, as at first there was only Nanbudo. During Nanbudo trainings I was always good in remembering all those foreign names of techniques, positions and katas. Japanese sounded interesting enough, and in 2004 the wish for learning has arisen.
However, things went their own way. At first, I was even considering an option if I would start studying Japanese in Ljubljana as a regular student; I still had a student status, at that time, but also unfinished diploma. I decided to finish my BA first, yet later I was sorry. Thus, I was searching for other Japanese classes, which did not work out. It seems I had to learn Finnish first. For during the summer 2005, my connection with Finland was established; a total coincidence... je bilo nek točno določeni Finec, s katerim sedaj že več kot eno leto ne govoriva, v nobenem jeziku, ter se nisva videla odkar živim tukaj, dobrih tristo kilometrov stran od tistega mesta. Mogoče mi postaja popolnoma vseeno, oziroma vsaj upam na to skorajšnjo vseenost.
If I was not able to find Japanese language class, Finnish group for beginners was established, and I could enrol. Coincidences, which might not exist, all sorts of events with their own hidden purpuse, which is discovered years later... whatever. After 4 years, moving to Finland and changing Nanbudo for Aikido, the wish to learn Japanese was still present and strong enough.
Now I am a student in Japani 1, learning Japanese through Finnish. And that makes me proud. :) I just have to keep on going...
... pri tem, ko raje pišem blog namesto japonske domače naloge in učenja hiragane.
Wow, zakon! Občudujem te, da se učiš popolnoma nov jezik skozi finščino, ki je relativno nov jezik zate! Super, bravo! Jaz pa verjetno novembra začnem z ruščino. :)
Ja, ful fajn tole, pa tut pogumno. Jaz se cez finscino se anglescine ne bi sla poglobljeno ucit, ceprav osnove relativno OK znam :D
Bos lohk primerjala, kolk je podobnosti med jezikoma :)
Hvala obema za prijateljsko podporo! <3
Ravnokar sem se namučila z japonsko domačo nalogo (pa še me čakajo vaje...) in sem sedaj totalno sesuta. :D Učenje hiragane je žur...
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