Friday, March 14, 2008


Me vedämme käteen kun maailma palaa. Vaadimme lisää kulutettavaa. Tilaamme sata kanavaa harhaa ja muovikukkia muovipuutarhaan.

ävistys - Muovikukkia muovipuutarhaan

I was given a flower last week for International Women's Day, the 8th of March. The flower was a pink tulip. Until today, it has been living here in my room. Finally, as every flower withers, this tulip has withered as well. And I felt sorry when I had to throw it away.

Flowers are something I like, although there is a small detail: I don't like flowers to be cut and put into the vase. Bouquets and such things are not for me. Well, in a way it is nice to get a flower from a guy, like the intention and all, yet a ticket for a gig, in example, could impress me much more than roses.

Cut flowers look nice - for a short while, until then they die. I have not searched for any info how exactly this flower industry functions and how it affects the environment; just the fact of cutting a flower off, kind of killing a living thing for decoration purposes only, hurts me. Same goes for picking up flowers in the nature; I prefer to observe them where they grow.

Now I have replaced that withered tulip with some fake ones. But I have also started to wonder how and where these white tulips were made, by some kid somewhere in Third world countries, for instance - and how the production affected the environment. I still hope the situation is not that bad and fake flowers, if done properly, can be more ecological; still it all feels as an enchanted circle. Nevertheless, I can also perceive this fake flowers in my room as a constant remnant/warning there is a fake and plastic world of highly developed Consumer Society within a first-class European country lurking behind my window...

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