Saturday, December 15, 2007


As I walked down the road, I have noticed the twilight sky above Jyväskylä.

There was not much time to write within the past days. The first turn at the university has finished, thus bringing a pile of work. First of all, I am happy as I passed the exam in Finnish very well. The feeling that I am kind of studying Finnish within the university feels nice. I took three courses foreign students can take when dealing with Finnish. I also passed the first exam in Aikido; I am happy to continue martial art practices more seriously. I like Aikido, but I still miss Nanbudo.

However, our Digital Culture programme requires lots of essays. As I am interested in the themes, I feel quite motivated; I am just very tired at the moment, physically and even more mentally, and that prevents me from active work. I should be reading, I should be be writing; I will be reading and writing.

I am kind of filled with slight melancholy; so it happens every now and then. Some new things are going on in my life, I have to find my way in this unknown situation. Now, the Christmas brake has started. Today, I am packing. Tomorrow, I am traveling to a short holidays and I am returning back to Finland soon in January. But still I guess I will miss my dear. Until we meet again in our beloved blogosphere, my friends and fellow bloggers, I wish you all the best!


Aelfsciene said...

Pogresas "your dear"? :o A jaz cesa ne vem? :o

Se vidimo kmalu!!!

kaneli said...

Hihi, sem mi je zdelo, da se ta stavek lahko tako razume. Temu se reče ''ambiguity of words'' ;) Pogrešala bom Finsko.

Se vidimo!

Anonymous said...

Fajn bodi!

kaneli said...

Hvala. :) Poskušam, kljub nekaterim res bizarnim naključjem, ki spremljajo moj obisk. Včasih res ne vem, ali je na delu bog ali hudič... ali pa kar oba skupaj. :S

Srečala sem svojega bivšega finskega prijatelja. Ne na Finskem, kjer se nikoli nisva videla, niti nisva bila v kontaktu, ampak sedaj doma, v lastnem slovenskem nanbudo klubu. Potem sva se srečala tudi na tradicionalnem ponedeljkovem metal večeru v nekem baru, kamor sem s kolegi pred odhodom na Finsko dokaj redno zahajala.